Marty… The Motivated Mower. Brothers Campfire

Hello. Benjamin From Brother’s Campfire here!

Fall is a lot of work and I discovered last year that raking the leaves is for the lawn mower. In my case, Marty, my motivated mower is the big helper.

If you are into ear pain, Enjoy this offbeat beauty! Marty Faces Adversity

The links are to poems and videos of Marty’s prior prowess. You can only find my YouTube here at the Campfire.

Anyway, here is how I rake with my lawn mower. I attach the bag and set the body low to the ground, slowly mowing.

I let Marty do the work and he picks up the leaves like a pro. The leaves go in the compost pile.

I compost nearly everything organic and these leaves are no exception. The mix of browns and greens is a little off, but when I mix the spring grass clippings in, it will compost quickly.

I wrote Giving Them Compost earlier this year to show how effective composting is. There is little left from the July batch in the above mentioned post and it started out as a pickup truck sized heap.

Sometimes, a pile of refuse is all you have to show for yourself.

In the right hands, life can spring up from a heap of what was to be bagged up and thrown out.

Topdressed Wheat

Well, that is Marty for you. He has been a helpful little mower and an instrument of purpose, something I aspire to be. I look up to you Marty!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

100 thoughts on “Marty… The Motivated Mower. Brothers Campfire

  1. Loveblossom says:

    I read a lot about composting leaves and all in agriculture (environmental science )
    I have this subject as my foundation this year. Keep Posting blogs on it. It will help me with my projects and exams😁😁😁

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ha ha! Other than the decomposition of the pile, I got nothing.
      Did the YT link work?

  2. Loveblossom says:

    Then you must read my books. It’s not a pile, for farmers this is goldmine. This is what I learnt.

    By the way YT link?? What is it?

    1. Benjamin says:

      YouTube . It looks like you got it. All my material is unlisted and can only be viewed here.
      As for gold mine, you are not kidding. I have not read much on it. Perhaps I can borrow your books?

      1. Loveblossom says:

        I am not kidding. It’s very useful.

        Leaf composting makes a dark, rich, earthy organic matter that can be used like soil. It adds nutrients to garden soil and the larger particle size helps enhance the tilth and loosen compacted earth. Compost will also help retain moisture and repels weeds when used as a top dressing or mulch

        This is google saying…

        1. Benjamin says:

          Ask the Google… The Google will know!
          I like composted soil. In fact, some inmates called me Sgt.Compost for a while.

          1. Loveblossom says:

            You already know this much but you still call it pile. So disrespectful.

            Just kidding 😜😜

            Anyway good job!! keep it up👍👍

          1. Loveblossom says:

            I can’t live with books. I like Study but I don’t like to read books.
            I can attend lectures and make notes at that time.

          2. Benjamin says:

            I see. Perhaps you can compost them.

            How is your art coming along?

          3. Loveblossom says:

            This days I am making funny memes plus writing my story and knitting a hat too. And online classes 🤯🤯

            My art is having a rest😴😴

          4. Benjamin says:

            Those lifestyle posts get lots of views. I can almost garuntee that a post about day to day life and hobbies will get attention.

          5. Loveblossom says:

            Now that you have said this. I wanna give it a try. My fellows will get something new, and writing about my hobbies and routine would be fun.
            Thank you brother Ben you are really resourceful. ♥️🌺

          6. Benjamin says:

            You as well. I am worried about the next chapter.😳😳😳

          7. Loveblossom says:

            I am worried about it too😓
            I wonder why are you worried. Do you also think I am gonna quit on this story writing.

          8. Benjamin says:

            No silly! I am writing a chapter and it will include a young lady named Zahra.

            Do you like writing stories?

          9. Loveblossom says:

            Well I am worried about it. 😜😜

            Once again there will be my character 😁😁

            I like making story but I am idle in writing. I can’t explain properly. I don’t read many stories, I watch dramas. That’s why I can think but can’t write.

            Many times I’ve started to write a story but everytime I gave up. But this time my will power is bit strong. I’ll definitely complete this story.

            (After all my favourite dramas are my inspiration. How can I turn them down 😍😍😁😁)

          10. Benjamin says:

            You may be surprised at the turn of events in my chapter.

            Write for you, Zahra. You can try something different than storytelling whenever you want.

          11. Loveblossom says:

            I don’t have any doubts about your story. It would be definitely surprising and amazing.🤠🔥

            I do write for myself. It makes me happy to create this story. Just because I am lazy in writing, I can’t say storytelling is not for me, right?😁😁
            Plus, I am doing something new. I’ve told you about YQ. I am making funny memes and quotes and many more writings.☺️☺️☺️

          12. Loveblossom says:

            Yeah I know!! I am thinking about something. I will let you know when I am done 👍

  3. kagould17 says:

    Yay Marty. I mowed my leaves again yesterday, quite a feat for this far North on Nov. 2. And strangely enough, it was shirt sleeve weather. I put my shredded leaves in my garden to loosen up the soil. Composting grass clippings here is very slow due to lack of heat and humidity. Stay well.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Hello, friend. A little heat is necessary to compost properly.

      What did you grow this year?

      1. kagould17 says:

        Carrots, beets, lettuce, kale, beans and tomatoes. Great lettuce and tomatoes this year, but all else suffered from an inordinate amount of rain in June and July and the resulting influx of slugs. The tomatoes are delightful. So sad to be back to the store bought cardboard….

        1. Benjamin says:

          Let’s see. I planted everything you did except for beans. I had some nice looking turnips.

  4. Nourish says:

    We wish we’d known this before we spent 3 hours raking over the weekend! But thank you for sharing and also for composting. We’re big on it too as it’s so good for the environment and helps our vegetable garden flourish in the warmer months.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ha ha, I am sorry for the late post!
      As I sit at the table eating home grown duck eggs, I could not agree with you more on the value of sustainability.

        1. Benjamin says:

          It is the part where it says

          If you are into ear pain, Enjoy this offbeat beauty! Marty Faces Adversity

  5. hcmorris77 says:

    I love composting…even composted my cats kitty litter, which was shredded paper. Clothing can be composted as well, it just takes longer to decompose. I tried putting an old, worn out t-shirt in the compost pile once, but a raccoon or something kept dragging it out. Now I just put the old worn out clothes in the woodpile (not the wood burning pile). Just about anything that comes from the earth, can go back to the earth. Of course, it all depends on where you live as well…
    Reduce Reuse Recycle

    1. Benjamin says:

      I think cotton clothing would decompose really fast here. The carnivorous compost needs additional time to break down, but it can be helpful as well. 🤠🔥

  6. achme24gmailcom says:

    Way to be inspired!

        1. Benjamin says:

          Where it says, If you are into ear pain, Enjoy this offbeat beauty! Marty Faces Adversity

  7. Beverly says:

    Loved Marty Faces Adversity! I watched it right after I clocked out from a hard day of work. I needed that laugh. Great job, nephew! 🤣😂

      1. Beverly says:

        Lol….yes indeed, nephew! 😎

  8. Tooty Nolan says:

    I use the same technique. It’s also excellent for picking up rotting fruit, stones, twigs and dog turd. Strangely it doesn’t work so well on pigeon feathers.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thanks for sharing the experience. Duck feathers and down are tough to pick up as well. Fortunately, sparrows use the material.

      Nice to hear from you Tooty, I need to drop by and see what’s really going on. Great minds think alike you know. 🤠🔥

  9. Sanjana Singh says:

    Wow. That’s looks like lot of work and fun as well. It’s a big job and must keep you busy. We have small back yard and front lawn but still have lots of work involved. I can only imagine the hard work involved in yours. But looks quite impressive my friend.

      1. Sanjana Singh says:

        No I haven’t found any videos only pictures. Is there any video? I’d love to watch it please.

        1. Benjamin says:

          It’s in the line

          If you are into ear pain, Enjoy this offbeat beauty! Marty Faces Adversity

  10. cookingflip says:

    Lololol. 😂 You make the mundane sound exciting. Carry on. It’s a gift. 👍

      1. cookingflip says:

        ‘Just watched it, lololol. Did you do the music and the rap too? Amazing.

        1. Benjamin says:

          I did. The music is creative commons bites cobbled together by me.

          1. cookingflip says:

            You’re welcome. I like your dog coming in the scene near the end too, by the way, lololol. Cheers, you have a lovely day.

          1. Benjamin says:

            One day, perhaps you will post about Vicor. When you do, let me know! We need great examples in life.😁

            Did you by chance watch the video?

          2. Miriam says:

            Haha, indeed, if I ever do I will! And yes, I just watched it. Very cool video 😁

          3. Benjamin says:

            I subscribed to your channel. The dune buggy and boat ride looked amazing!

          4. Benjamin says:

            I tried the You Tube thing for a bit. I have a face for radio and the voice of Kermit the Frog!

  11. beetleypete says:

    I also use a mower to clear leaves.
    many thanks for following my blog again.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Mowers are useful tools!
      I am not sure where I fell off reading the great Beetleypete.Wordpress.Com

      It was my loss, that is for sure. Thanks for taking me back!


  12. Herman says:

    Hi there. Thank you for visiting and following HoB. Much appreciated!

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