Brothers Campfire Gravity Fed Duck Emulsion

Hello Friends!

As I sit here this morning getting my tires rotated, I have a few moments to blog about things and enjoy the view.

HH Tires knows about cars and they provide excellent customer service.
HH Tires

Journaling on Brother’s Campfire is therapeutic for me. I am busy busy with a lot on my plate and have been unable to post every day as I would prefer.

Today will be just as busy and I will be late for work due to my temporary crown breaking and exposing my brocken tooth. It is a little ouch.

Waiting for my permenant. This photo is from the other day.

The day for me has just begun, so let me tell you about yesterday.

Well, Kinda.

Yesterday started with an epic breakfast of oatmeal, strawberries and peaches prepared by my beloved.

I have found though trial and error that when I have a full stomach and a cup of coffee I make really good decisions. When I do not, I get angry and hungry, or rather, hangry.

I started out by watering my birds, mowing the lawn, and weeding the garden.

This is pretty much the mundane that I do every day off when I am not adventuring.

While I was working, I was met by the local french cuisine expert, Rebecca Sherrow. A practical woman with extensive education, we discussed the finer points of gardening in the alkaline clay environment we call home.

Rebecca was perceptive to observe my primitive utilization of buckets to water my plants with nutrient rich duck water. It is time consuming and exhausting.

50 pounds of feed = 35 pounds of wet, pastey waste

It was time for a more efficient method of delivery. I opted for a free, well rinsed chemical bucket. The chemicals contained previously were biodegradable.

I attached a spigot and 100 feet of 1/2 inch hose and I am now the proud owner of a gravity fed, duck emulsion spreader!

Like Minecraft, but for real!

I must say I have never been more eggcited to have ducks fowling the water and reducing my bill.

12 gallons for one tomato was a little excessive, but oh well. I love my garden experience.

After completing this project, I took my children to the home of the world renowned blogger Herb Thiel so I could take my Beloved on a date; after all, we have been married 16 years. We opted for the Olive Garden to celebrate.

It was good and unpronouncable.

We… Are bargain shoppers. After our wonderful meal, we went to a thrift store. After trying a lot of clothing on to appease my Beloved, I found a really neat coffee cup for my collection.

It appears to be handcrafted and the walls are over a quarter inch thick for maximizing heat retention.

Well, that’s about it for this post, friends. I am thinking about starting a new storyline for the Campfire. Do you all have any suggestions?

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

67 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Gravity Fed Duck Emulsion

          1. Benjamin says:

            In Colorado, we have to wear masks a lot of places, but much is open for business.

  1. Lydia Potter says:

    I’m sure that broken tooth is more like a big ouch.
    That breakfast looks super tasty!
    Sounds like y’all had a nice anniversary.
    Cool coffee cup!

    1. Benjamin says:

      It pains me like my little sister when she is in one of her moods.

          1. Benjamin says:

            That is how my tooth feels. Like one of my sister’s moods. 😌

          2. Benjamin says:

            Are you the same way every day or do you have some ups abd downs here and there?

  2. herbthiel says:

    Gravity Fed Duck Emulsion is a great title. That does look like a useful contraption.

  3. Cassa Bassa says:

    I love the everyday little things making the environment and lives better. Really enjoy reading post like this. Congratulations for 16th anniversary. May God bless you with many more years to come and overflowing with joy.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you for the kind words and encouragment! I hope ypur day os blessed!🤠🏔🔥

  4. macalder02 says:

    Apart from your fallen teeth in disgrace, both breakfast and lunch are the highlights of your diary. It leaves one wanting to do it now.
    My greetings

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thanks Senor Manuel. I like to put the bad with the good in my writing!

  5. KINDNESS says:

    Welcome back. I have been worried about your absence of late. Stay safe 🕯🕯

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you, Kindness. I have had very long days recently. I am safe and thriving. You be safe as well, Friend.

  6. sunisanthosh says:

    I think you have not recovered from that hit is it correct ?That breakfast looks so delicious and the cup 👌 !!

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