Brothers Campfire and Willow Manor Garden Update

Hello Friends!

I have been moderately successful in gardening this year so far, but I cannot do it alone.

No.. I am not asking for cash,

I would like to give a shout out to the Gaurd of the Garden.

I have been thinking about naming him Watchman Wayne. It somehow fits.

Wayne had humble beginnings as a disassembled chicken coop and #10 cans of vegetables and has been dutifully on patrol for several years.

Down the road I plan on growing a mountain variety of violets nearby. I think Wayne will like them and they will compliment the yard.

It has been an amazing journey transforming my yard from chemical dependency to natural means of fertilization and pest control. I am using my newly made gravity fed duck emulsion spreader on my grapes and they are thriving!

I planted 6 last year and 3 survived.

To reduce the posibility of E.coli contamination, I have avoided watering salads and cole crops in this manner. They are doing great growing between rows of straw.

The potatoes are a little meh. I am going to leave them alone until winter. I have yet to be successful with them in all my years of gardening in my area. It is amusing as I have followed others that know how. Are there any potato specialists out there that can give me some advice?

Tiny Taters

My cattail project worked swimmingly well.

That is, until these little guys got big.

It seems like just yesterday, I got these cute little birds and look at this one! She is nearly grown! I love my little friends, but if something is planted by the water, watch out!

I do still have the cattails in the picture above, but they must be delectable to the fowl in heart.

Well friends, I am off to church. You can listen live here when you would like! CSFPC

After church, I am going on an adventure. I will tell you all about it as the internet permits!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

33 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire and Willow Manor Garden Update

  1. Ishaan Sharma says:

    Good to read this update! Best of luck with your farm!
    Tell us about the adventure

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you! I wish you well! Wish me well as I adventure with my family! 🤠🔥

  2. dumbestblogger says:

    I send my warmest regards to Watchman Wayne, and wish all the best, in sunshine and flowers, as he carries out his duty.

  3. rue202 says:

    Nice violets!
    Wow, that bird has grown.
    And hope everything goes well on that adventure of yours.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ha ha! Stock photo of what I want, lol. The ducks have infeed grown! The adventure is going in an amazing manner! I would daily blog as I go, but tine and electricity is limited. Have a beautiful day, Rachel!

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