Brothers Campfire Dark Bitter Natural -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 29

I sit today with strangers drinking coffee. It is dark and bitter, in its natural state. I think about the Beast and the drink I enjoy and chuckle.

I am going to walk down to see the Man with the Shepherd’s Crook. He has a meeting every Sunday. I look forward to when he comes to the Campfire. He has made a lot of repairs to the old stone building he acquired. 

He has brought his wife and children to Northwich and looks like he is going to make this a permanent home. I am going to ask about how he plans to educate his children to prepare them for higher learning.

In smaller rural villages like Northwich, Children work with their parents to learn skills for adulthood. I am concerned that my skill sets have been thrown together out of necessity and I want to adequately prepare my children for the future where they can establish themselves efficiently. They need an academic education as well as a hands on experience.

I can manage unruly men and enforce rules. I am not called Brother for any endearing reasons. I can see why the king had me oversee this Northern bit of La Longi. Excellence in resource allocation would be the term I would use. This is not a venue that I want my children following. 

From my very limited knowledge of other places, La Longi provides opportunities for advancement. The process of a father being a miller and passing that trade to a son still stands but is not necessarily the case. I do not desire for my son to train guards and scouts as a trade. As I have the means to do so at this point, I will help him explore other options.

No one is at the Campfire today and I must not let this coffee go to waste. I enjoy the dark, bitter and natural state of coffee. If I recall correctly, Larry put stevia in his coffee. It just seems wrong.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

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