Brothers Campfire Creature Quiz

Hello friends! I was over at Herb Thiel’s website and saw that he did a quiz asking,

What Creature Are You? 

I am curious as to who everyone is! 

Herb Thiel has more info on the hyperlink above.

Let me know in the comment section!

Here is mine!

Couldn’t Be!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

10 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Creature Quiz

  1. leendadll says:

    Has anyone gotten anything other than Sasquatch? I got it, though my answers clearly indicated I should have gotten mermaid or siren.

    1. Benjamin says:

      You know, I am not sure! I imagine you are not bigfoot and resonate more with something else. Sore fore the disappointment!

      1. leendadll says:

        lol, no worries!! i suspect the quiz has a bug. Since rumor is that they’re all Russian spybots or written by 1 teen girl (I think 60Min interviewed her), I don’t expect much from them!!

  2. ellie894 says:

    I got Sasquatch too 😊. I do love the forest! That was fun, thanks 🙏

  3. Lisa Long Preisler says:

    Ha ha ha- no way I am a Mermaid! 🤦🏻‍♀️ But they say: You are graceful and elegant, just like a smooth swimming mermaid! Your charisma and presence light up a room (or ocean), but there is something about you that makes you slightly different from most ordinary people — like the tail of a mermaid. Your charm will take you far, but remember not to lose your creature side — it will serve you well!

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