Brothers Campfire Presents Cars, Toilets,and Gardens

Hello, Friends!

Yesterday, my car was overheated and I pulled over immediately. I am glad I did and my car is still at H H Tires where I dropped it off. So far, they have been honest and forthcoming with me.

HH Tire Reviews

Travis made me aware that my radiator is busted and I need a new thermostat.

Because of social distancing, I did not wait and I am glad, because they still have the vehicle hours later!

With this time, I walked to Walmart where to purchase toilet paper. On my way, I passed Big O Tires service center.

I do not think much of them. Here is my google review.

Anyway, to Walmart I went. I was slightly amused at a man pushing a shopping cart up and down the aisles, cursing on the phone as he went. He was annoyed with the amount of customers in the store. He was still there when I left with the much needed softness. Our napkin stash was quite abrasive.

I began the long walk home, bounty in hand, following the track marks.

My journey home continued and I was flushed. I took the plunge and leaped accross, nearly wiping out!

I remembered my elders being upset about misuse of toilet paper when I was a kid. With the lack of available product. I can see why. When you are out, you are out, and this is a big deal.

And here I am, complaining about napkins.

Once home, I was applauded as a hero for making the porcelain throne great again.

While at Walmart, I also purchased peas and planted them. Hopefully, they come up soon!

Thanks For Stopping By Today, Friends!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

181 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Presents Cars, Toilets,and Gardens

  1. Visionariekind says:

    grateful for your journey that’s life and the way -you made it beautiful and graceful gives me hope for better days to come

    1. Benjamin says:

      There is a blessed hope in Jesus, Friend! Thank you for reading and for your kind words! I appreciate you. Do you drink coffee?

        1. Benjamin says:

          ☕ 🍵 here! I poured you both! I will drink the one you want less!

  2. Debby Winter says:

    That was a very post.. haha.. Hope you are doing well glad to hear you found tp

          1. Benjamin says:

            I am from Colorado. When I asked you, you were vague last time.

          2. Debby Winter says:

            Yeah I travel around a lot but currently stuck in San Francisco I really like it here though

          3. Debby Winter says:

            Yes it is and it’s kind of a mess because they can’t frequently wash their hands and the city has been confiscating their personal belongings as usual meaning they were left more suspectable for the disease. Currently they’re moving them to auditoriums, churches and stateproperties although the problem is still far from being resolved.. pretty sad

          4. Benjamin says:

            Sounds like a tough situation. What is your quality of life like over there?

          5. Debby Winter says:

            I can’t complain, there are many people who come to visit me and bring me presents just because I’m so cute 😉 How about yourself?

          6. Benjamin says:

            I am going to work as my job is essential. I don’t give gifts to men and cannot judge if they are cute.

          7. Debby Winter says:

            I was a bit of a tomboy when I was younger grew up with three older brothers..

          8. Benjamin says:

            Fair enough! Someday, I am looking forward to seeing the young lady worthy of gifts during this trying time.

          9. Debby Winter says:

            Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow.

          10. Debby Winter says:

            For as long as I’ve been doing SEO work, I absolutely love it that I can travel without the need to take a vacation.

          11. Debby Winter says:

            Making money online is not as hard as you may think. Here on wordpress alone are many people who wish to start a business and require help with linkbuilding for example. You just need to know where to look.

          12. Debby Winter says:

            Not on this site because it’s new, but I use two dedicated servers to host websites for clients

          13. Benjamin says:

            I am self hosted. Thank you for your consideration. What is your favorite thing to do in San Francisco?

  3. Benjamin says:

    I am lost. Great questions, Lydia. I do not like the way the rules are presented for the award. I am going to tweak them a little more to my liking when I nominate others.

    1. Lydia Potter says:

      You make it look bad on my part.
      Hey! Good for you! You’re lost. That was my goal.

      1. Benjamin says:

        You did everything perfectly, Lydia! Stop beating yourself up.

          1. Benjamin says:

            Only your big brother gets to pick on you. Everyone else that tries gets it.

          2. Lydia Potter says:

            You’re never suppose to end a sentence with “it”
            You should know that by now.

          3. Lydia Potter says:

            Is “it” a preposition? I know you’re not suppose to end a sentence with a preposition. Your dad made that a joke on his “about” page. I died laughing. He used the word “in” for the last word and yeah! AWESOME SAUCE!

          4. Benjamin says:

            No, “it” is not a preposition. About, Above, Below, Between, Beside, For, From, In, Into

          5. Lydia Potter says:

            No. I’m suppose to be graduating in April.
            Ummm if “it” isn’t a prep, what is it?

          6. Benjamin says:

            Umm, yeah, you signed on the dotted line……………. I am the big mouth brother. You are the snotty nosed little sister.

          7. Lydia Potter says:

            Exactly! That makes you way more special than me. My name sounds like trash.

          8. Lydia Potter says:

            I know. She said, “No, wait. It’s pronoun.” I asked how and why and she told me.

          9. Lydia Potter says:

            But I do have to ask you this. What is your definition of the word “empathy”?

          10. Benjamin says:

            I understand a lot of times where someone is coming from, but I do not always connect with their feelings on the matter.

          11. Lydia Potter says:

            Ok. Sympathy is when you feel badly, sorry, or compassionate about what a person is going through. Empathy is not just caring, but for real knowing what a person is going through and feeling it. Example: my mom dies. You feel sorry. That’s sympathy. Empathy is my mom dying and you can relate because your mom died too.

          12. Benjamin says:

            I see. I believe you thoroughly explained this. A lot of times, I look through the eyes of a prison gaurd.

          13. Lydia Potter says:

            I have to wait till 10 pm. No earlier, no later!

            I don’t drink coffee… maybe that’s why.

          14. Lydia Potter says:

            Speaking of English, I have to do that right now. My last subject. Talk to you later.

  4. herbthiel says:

    Well, I have figured out a place that I don’t want to go any more. I like H&H though. They have always done right by me, too.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Well, lighting fires can be a liability if you are not careful. Growing vegetables is nearly always profitable for me. Raising animals is expensive, but keeps us in hard times if there is a shortage of things. For instance, I have recently posted a lot of egg dishes, but eggs are not always available due to shipping concerns during these tough times. Great Question!

          1. Ishaan Sharma says:

            I was trying to plant some green grams today. They grow quite fast, from my past experience. But my soil seems really infertile. (It is a small pot)
            Any ideas for making it better?
            Under lockdown, it is impossible to buy manure or fertiliser.
            Would something like wet strips of thin paper or whole wheat flour work? Or maybe small amounts of ashes?

          2. Benjamin says:

            I am not sure what green grams are. Please leave me a link for reference. Coffee or tea water has small amounts of nitrogen to my knowledge. There is no nutritional content in paper for your plants. Ashes are good in very small amounts, but will burn your plant.

            Is your plant growing yet or is it still in the ground? If your plant has not even grown, the seeds could be bad.

            If you email me a picture of the dirt, I possibly can help, but no guarantees.

          3. Ishaan Sharma says:

            Well green grams are mostly found in Asia. I guess you won’t know about them.
            I just sowed the seeds a few hours ago, so it has obviously not grown yet.
            I added small amounts of ash and flour and paper, and the soil looks a million times better. The texture has rather improved. I think it will grow now. If it doesn’t I will share the soil pics to see if you have any idea.

            I guess the seeds are good enough. I didn’t buy them for sowing, they are used in some dishes so were already kept at home. I have grown them before with far worse seeds. But everytime for some reason or the other, it couldn’t fully mature. This time I hope it will.

          4. Ishaan Sharma says:

            Now that we all are at home, planting plants is the second best thing we can do for Earth. The first being to stay at home.

          5. Ishaan Sharma says:

            Sadly I have but one pot. This is a great time to start a mini farm.

            Maybe come up with a catch tagline and start a movement asking people to grow plants whilst maintaining social distancing.

          6. Ishaan Sharma says:

            If you wish, and then you could post it on your blog. You are the blogstar around here.

          7. Benjamin says:

            I might do it! I will promote the idea and give you credit if you do!

          8. Benjamin says:

            It is notes on a page at this point. I may make it a region on the map. I have a hidden map in development!

          9. Benjamin says:

            Absolutely, Ishaan! Real life is imminent right now, but I am working feverishly!!!

          10. Ishaan Sharma says:

            You are a laborious man for sure!
            Few people work so hard on their blogs. Or even in their job.

  5. leendadll says:

    My order of wild flower & loofah seeds arrived (from England!) so I need to get on a gardening mood soon.

    I love the tp adventure! I still haven’t found any.

    1. Benjamin says:

      That is exciting! You will have to post pictures of your plants! I wish you well on yohr TP search!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you! What kinds of things are you doing during these tough times?

        1. Benjamin says:

          That sounds about like us! We are trying to make it fun though!

          1. aruna3 says:

            Yeah.right,my dear!!why tear on corona if we all have take our best care.yeah.we should do to try some helps for victims.when i laugh then automatically be silent because of this devil coronavirus and think about how i can help for victims.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Too much water is likely the cause. It may be something else as well, like the ph of the soil. It could also be a disease in the soil.

        1. Benjamin says:

          Stick with the variety that works in your soil. If you have a chance to cross pollinate the flowers of the successful plants, this variety of plant will be more likely to succeed in your soil type. I really like these gardening questions!

          1. Benjamin says:

            Absolutely! It is always a priveledge to have you at the Campfire!

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