Hello, Benjamin from Brothers Campfire here!
Whew! My back was sore this morning. I mucked the duck pond and I feel it.

I need to get out more and lose weight; I have the capacity to work all day.
Sitting in the hospital will do that to a body.
It is all worth it.
My beloved walked a mile without stopping yesterday. She did it in 43 minutes, and her knee did not pop while doing so.
She is a fighter and I am proud of her!
And… Today… she gave me a haircut!

She is unable to use her left hand much so I had to change the blade sizes, but she did amazing! Just look at that fade!

Julz, a local barber, deserves our thanks as well. She cut my hair while Isabel recovered enough to do more advanced tasks with her hands. If you are local and looking for a barber, she is top notch!
In other news, I am still working on a podcast. The first one may be hosted by someone else on my site of all things!
I will keep you posted.
Hooray for her… she did an awesome job and no offense to you but stick with her with a bit of flair. She showed you up a bit from your cut you had to do.. haha. I mean it was fine but she’s better. 💖🌻🤣🤷♀️
She does an amazing job!
agreed!! 💖
You do an amazing job as well!
I’ve never see a stronger woman then “your beloved” she is a fighter I never doubted a moment she will come back stronger then she when she enters this battle! ( spirituality and physically)
Go Izzy, great job
Looking good my man! I hope your beloved got a good tip. 😊
Ha ha! Thanks!
What a team you two are! 💕
I would say! 🤠🔥☕
An inspiration! Best to you two.
You are an inspiration as well!🤠🔥☕
They truly are! Their teamwork is superb. 💖
Thank you Adelheid!
You’re welcome!
Did you get to see the ducks?
I did! 😁 I’ve watched you YT videos.
Way Nifty! You will have to join me on a live stream one day!
😉😉😉 Wow! Thank you!
Way nifty! After they are completed, I am making the live streams available here! 🤠🔥☕
Very motivational! I am happy about your beloved, thank’s for share.
Blessings for you and yours.
Thank you Elvira! 🤠🔥☕
You are welcome. 😊🙏🏻☕
You are both amazing.🌷
Thank you! You are as well… Under that mask.
That’s fantastic. So happy to hear this.
Thanks, friend. I appreciate you.
Izzy did an fantastic job!!
Indeed she did! 🤠🔥☕
God is so amazing! So thankful to see what He’s doing. That’s awesome…
I am so glad your beloved is doing so well. She did a wonderful job on your hair.
Thank you!
Am I missing the photo? I do not see one??
Yes please keep posted with podcast that’s so awesome 👏
It’s terrifying with medical things! For both you and her to go through – it’s awful … you both seem to have a strong and loving spirit.
You seem like up beat/happy person in general and she seems that way too … so I love your strength together
That aids healing ❤️🩹 … for sure!!
I’m so glad she is coming around really strong!! How terrifying! I can’t imagine!
For both of you 😮 I’m so glad going well ❤️ thoughts and prayers still for you both. 🙏❤️
Thank you for the prayers!
There should be a picture that loads up!
Ahhhh ok it all showed up now?? But that night it was not showing me.
Very nice! And that’s probably good therapy for her too getting back to doing the skills 🙌
You look very nice 😊
It’s the small things ❤️
Thank you! And yes, it is the small things! They add up after a while! 🤠🔥☕
Have you done more podcasts?
I have a few small things.
Notably, Spinach in Spanish
Wanna join my prison gang? 🤠🔥🤭😂
That might be little rough for me lol
I am tough but also Californian, and not really into the drama 🎭
I like peace lol
Not really thinking the chain gang has a lot of peace ?? Lol
Ha ha! 🤠🔥☕No problems!
Hallelujah! God is healing and restoring Isabel’s amazing talents. She is such a blessing. I am so happy she was able to walk that mile and to cut your hair. Praying and believing for more victory reports! Thank you for keeping us updated.
Missed this point: She is an inspiration to us all. Never let opposition stand in your way, that is her testimony. Thanks again for sharing.
I would say!
Kudos to my beautiful, talented, hard working friend. Great job!
We’re going to try out Sassy Shears. It’s been hard to find a good place. And the same thing happened to my husbands eyebrows that you mentioned in the other post. She just did it real quick and said “your wife will thank me” lol
Ha Ha! I wish you well Jessica!
Nice, Go Isabel 👍
Great haircut, and another step forward for your Beloved. I cut my husband’s hair, but with my broken wrist am unable to do so—I use scissors to cut—and his hair is beginning to be in need of a trim. He hates going to the barber, but may have to—at least once.
Way cool on the haircutting. My sun will be going to a barber for a while as his style requires scissors.
You look SHARP, my man!
Thank you! She did an excellent job!
Awesome news, all the way round!
I’m envious of your beloved’s recoup! Since blowing out my L knee on Sat, I max out at about 20 steps usually closer to 5, before my knee gives out.
Wishing you the best of health. Praying for you Bubbles.
Thank you! Your prayers are working… tonight I figured out the exact pinched nerve and that it’s pinched due to increased use of a cane.
Canes have been rough on my Beloved. I can only imagine.
I’ve liked the cane. Had no idea I was screwing up my posture so much.
Ouch ouch ouch
nooo…. the ouch when nearly collapsing is a million times worse! I tend to yell from pain, then laugh… cause it’s just sooooo stupid!
The series of emojis made me laugh!
Your hair found their way back home. 💚
It did! 🤠🔥☕😉
On another note … Hey!! Thanks for stopping by “It Is What It Is” … and the follow. Hope you enjoy your visits there!! Hugs … Peace!!’ __/i\__
Absolutely, Dr