Benjamin Mucks A Duck Pond

Hello, Benjamin from Brothers Campfire here!

Today I did a dirty deed and mucked out a duck pond. Yuck!

I am trying to get ready for summer. Wish me well!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

20 thoughts on “Benjamin Mucks A Duck Pond

  1. Doug Thomas says:

    When the city here mucked out the local park pond of years of Canada goose and duck muck, they had to remove something like two feet of it off the pond bottom. It was a major project… LOL!

        1. Benjamin says:

          I am going to go on a limb and say they had some heavy equipment to work with.

          1. Doug Thomas says:

            Absolutely! They used an excavator, though digging in the muck must have released lots of noxious gas, a stench that knocked them off their feet!

          2. Benjamin says:

            The stench is horrible! I agree that they selected low men on the totem pole.🤠🔥☕

  2. Shauna says:

    Good luck as you get ready for summer! 🙂

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