Ashley Lintner Rides For The Brand Brothers Campfire

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here. 

Currently, we are waiting for Covid test results for a family member to determine when I can get back to work, and we should have them tomorrow. 

Due to a prolonged exposure, the CDC is working with my job and determined I need to wait 5 days from the exposure to take a test myself and I have been directed to take the test tomorrow. 

Fortunately for me, up to 80 hours is compensated and I have sick time. I would have liked to take the test as soon as I could out so I can work, but that is not the process. 

In other news, let me tell a story. 

I did not consider myself a salesman or a marketer until I began looking at some of the posts that you, my family, friends, and occasional readers have so nicely placed a stamp of approval on by clicking the like button and commenting.

Thank you for a wonderful 2020 by the way. I hope to be as supportive to you as you have been to me. 

Today, I would like to talk to you about Ashley Fern from

Ashley At The Yarn Store She Managed For A Client

Ashley Fern is a freelancer specializing in Pinterest marketing. She has a fixed rate, is approachable, and has real contact information, an anomaly in online sales.

Ashley will promote your website and business interests passionately on Pinterest to solidify your brand. She has the experience, examples, and a schedule you can plug into.


I met Ashley about thirty years ago and she has been part of our family ever since.

We have been through a lot together to say the least.

Once, when I was in third grade we were dropped off for school way too early and it was freezing.

Some teachers drove by and would not let us in because it was too early. They informed me they were afraid we would steal something.

They went to another building warm cups of coffee in hand and had whatever meetings teachers are inclined to have. Must have been nice. I wonder if they thought about the message they were sending to us threadbare poor little kids.

What we thought teachers did

It pains me still to think of how cold my sister and Ashley were as poorly layered as we were. Haters.

I sought a teacher as an advocate to solve our dilemma and was told it builds character.

It built a character, that is for sure. 

This was not our first time out in the cold waiting. My dad had to drop us off early to be to work on time.

This time was particularly bad. The wind was blowing and we were COLD.

Now, due to harsh experiences in a rough neighborhood, I have been known to take matters into my own hands when I see a perceived injustice or slight. 

I examined the lock mechanism to the classroom. Yes, third grade. Life was not exactly easy for either of us most of the time.

There was just enough space in the lock that pressure could be placed on the mechanism and unlock the door.

I just needed a piece of plastic and my sister just happened to have an old credit card she played pretend with. 

I looked around to ensure no one saw me. 

With frozen fingers, I opened the door by sliding the plastic over the mechanism and releasing the lock. We were in. There was heat and that is what we desired. 

I am not sure how early we had been dropped off, but I do know we were the only three waiting for school. We sat on the heater vents to get feeling back in our extremities.

The teachers were livid and wanted to know how we got in the building. My sister lied and said the door was already unlocked. 

A teacher, who I will call the chief interrogator, blundered by telling me he would call the police for breaking and entering. I immediately became uncooperative as he grilled me, saying nothing. The streets had already prepped me to keep my mouth shut even at this young age. 

He went on to say they would call my father, but I was sworn to silence and willing to endure a rod of correction for this one so it did not matter. 

Then there was Ashley. 

They pulled her into a closed door meeting where I could still hear everything and they demanded of her what happened. She cried, and cried, but said nothing. At this time, students began trickling in. 

Ashley didn’t want to go to jail. She did not want her father called. She was a very cold innocent bystander. They said all measure of threatening things to her, but she didn’t crack. 

Now, I have heard that a good friend will help you bury the proverbial body, but she brought her own shovel and owned the whole thing in a selfless act of loyalty.

There is no telling how much trouble she got in and I have never forgotten Ashley doing this. 

When I think of,a fierce loyalty of my rises up. Ashley has never deviated from this loyal trait in the 30 years I have known her.

Ashley rides for the brand and she will go all out working to better your standing online. 

Well, that’s my story of Ashley. Be sure to check her out at

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

17 thoughts on “Ashley Lintner Rides For The Brand Brothers Campfire

  1. Ryan Callahan says:

    Great story! Praying for you and your family! Hope everyone stays healthy. God bless you all!

  2. S.D. McKinley says:

    Great story about YOU being your best defender and also using your resources. We owe it to ourself, #1. That’s what I got out of the whole thing. Cheers and I will check into your friend’s services. 🤠

  3. Hannah Gandhi says:

    A thought provoking and intriguing story, thanks for sharing! Also wish you and your family the best of luck in your health and happiness 🙂✨

  4. Petra says:

    Great story! Loyalty is a great trait to have 😊

  5. achme24gmailcom says:

    Ashley is awesome! You too big bro!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ashley can do anything she puts her mind to! Thank You little sister.

  6. Beverly says:

    Thank you for sharing this information, nephew!

    Ashley is professional, committed and detailed-oriented. I have been a customer of her business endeavors and can tell you that her creations are truly a work of art and uniquely designed to suit your style and character. She pours herself into her work and the amazing end results reflect her level of commitment and expertise!

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