Brothers Campfire Writes A Post For The Birds.

Today, I drove to the wonderful town of Canon City, Colorado, and took my scheduled covid test and I should have the results tomorrow. If my son is negative, I should be able to return to work on Friday or Saturday. We will see.

All was well. I listened to some Bible and drank coffee.

When I returned home, I had a higher calorie meal than normal to compensate for a missed breakfast. It included beans, rice, and three fried duck eggs for 730 calories or so. I don’t plan on eating much more until way later today.

I went on a stroll in the woods with my Beloved as there is not much else to do while quarantining. The pond near the house was a little frozen and had some cool indentations on it. If anyone knows what causes this, I would be excited and grateful to know.

I have been accused of being a little eclectic. There may be truth to the statement. I suppose it makes for great blog fodder. Anyway…

I talked to the birds. I always talk to the birds. Call me what you will, birds listen when you talk. I don’t believe for a second that they understand me but I am curious.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

27 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Writes A Post For The Birds.

  1. Ryan Callahan says:

    That is awesome! I love that video!😂 What a great day in beautiful Colorado! Makes me miss home. God bless!

  2. Americaoncoffee says:

    Hi there Brothers campfire! What a beautiful bonding with nature! God Bless! Have a fulfilling 2021.

  3. achme24gmailcom says:

    Haha love it! Birds are awesome

  4. rue202 says:

    If you go to Narnia, the birds will definitely talk back XD

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ha ha! Is suppose you are right! Do you have plans for the year?

  5. stevescountry says:

    Hey, that was great! I talk to the birds all the time, plus all the other animals that come around. Talking gently helps to calm them. Those indentations are often caused by small air pockets under the ice. Have a great day!

    1. Benjamin says:

      When I want an animal to stick around, I talk softly to it.

      Thanls for the education! Me being in the semi arid, I don’t have a handle on all things icy.

      1. stevescountry says:

        Yep, talking really does work.
        That happens a lot up here to the ice. Sometimes springs will do it also, but then they are much larger. A lot of our lakes are spring fed. Makes for dangerous ice conditions though.

  6. Beverly says:

    Nephew, that was incredible! The owl was totally comfortable with you. Such a blessing to be able to get so close! Your activities today demonstrate the way to make the best of a difficult situation!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you! I have had some unique experiences with wildlife. When times get tough, we stick together!

      1. Beverly says:

        You’re welcome! That is great!

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