Brothers Campfire Prayer, Pushing Plates, and Crushing Covid

Hello! Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here.

I have set a few goals for myself that are a little lofty and I would like them to last a little more than a few days. 

Dieting started on December 14th, 2020 when I checked the scale and saw I had hit 201 Pounds/ 91 Kilos. 

I am proud to say that with careful calorie counting on the Lose It application, I am 189.2 Pounds/85.7 Kilos. 

Natasha, my neighbor was unaware of the plan and made us what I understand to be Russian honey cake. Fortunately, I had saved enough calories to tackle my share. Thank you, Natasha! 

The decision to lose weight for mobility and health’s sake will help me toward my goal of walking 50 miles in 24 hours later on in the year. It will be an amazing way to break in my shoes further. 

Those are fun goals, but This is what the Bible has to say about the matter. 

For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come. 1 Timothy 4:8 KJV

In that light, I am reading more Bible and trying to have a prayerful mindset throughout the day. 

You, my WordPress readers, are a digital family and friends, but God requires direct contact and I need to spend more time with him. Pretty soon, I will be part of a digital technology fast and refrain from posting for a short time to reinforce my commitment to stated goals. I will keep you informed as to the timeframes. 

For those of you that prayed for my relative with Covid, thank you. I have several additional relatives that require tests and we are isolating ourselves to ensure that If we have been in contact with the virus, we are not spreading it. Some of them have symptoms. 

I believe I contracted Covid before it was widely known in January 2020, but I will never know for sure. Whatever it was proved to be exceptionally vile. 

My symptoms included a high pulse, difficulty breathing, a very sore throat, and a fever that lasted about 5 days. Perhaps it was something else, but if it was Covid, I do now wish it on anyone else. 

I contacted my chain of command and left a message to the emergency hotline for my job assignment and am waiting for them to call me back. 

I have been getting tested every week with an advanced test and have been swabbed daily with a slightly less accurate method, so I am not too worried that I exposed anyone. Everything has been done with an abundance of caution. 

Fortunately for us here at Willow Manor, we have beans, rice, and a little meat tucked away in the freezer for such an occasion. 

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

43 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Prayer, Pushing Plates, and Crushing Covid

  1. bullroarin says:

    Wow, Benjamin, you have set some good and lofty goals for yourself. I wish you every success my friend and stay safe. – Dave

  2. Sheila D.Currie Blake says:

    I am playing catch up on my comments today so I missed your post re covid. But I do hope that all is well with your family member who was infected. And I pray that it was contained among you all. God is still in control and I am confident that it is well. stay safe and much blessings to you

  3. Cindy Georgakas says:

    Congrats on your weight loss and new goals. A hiatus is a good thing for awhile. Sending prayers and good wishes to you and your fam!!! Was this your big news or is there more..?❤️

  4. Paquerite says:

    Benjamin, I encourage you in “your calorie saving”, I love the image …
    For the rest take great care of yourself and all your lovely family, this covid is playing with our nerves, let’s stay connected, it makes us stronger !!
    Kisses at home

  5. Cassa Bassa says:

    The length of the Covid plague casts doubt in my mind at times. I must say that without The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, it would be a very depressing period of time of my life. It is only in His light, the Covid plague turns into dust.

  6. rue202 says:

    “Perhaps it was something else, but if it was Covid, I do now wish it on anyone else” – I do believe you meant to write do NOT wish it on anyone else, not do NOW wish it on anyone else?

  7. Beverly says:

    Nephew, congratulations on the weight loss! That is wonderful! 👏👏.

    Looking forward to the digital fast!

    Praying for everyone.

  8. achme24gmailcom says:

    Awesome sauce to have meat

  9. stevescountry says:

    Congrats on the weight loss Benjamin! Great goals there for sure, keep it up. Yes, that Covid is bad, having gone through it I wouldn’t want anyone else to get it either. Have a great day!😀😺

  10. cookingflip says:

    Good work on the weight loss! ‘Hoping that you reach your goals this year; also healing for those who are sick in your family. Best wishes for the new year. 🎉

        1. Benjamin says:

          God bless you as well. You know, I was considering visiting a little north of you in Scotland, but it is still pretty locked down.

          1. cookingflip says:

            We’re on our third national lockdown, bro–since Wednesday. They figure it might be up to March. With only 60M population, our incidence is around 60k daily for a little over a week now. Two weeks before Christmas, a quarter of deaths was covid19-related (proportionally, it would be higher now). But God is in control, and our life is in His hands. And then–a grand holiday for you in Scotland! I hope for me as well. But like you, I’m looking for the signs of the times, lol.

          2. Benjamin says:

            I am praying for my friends on the other side of the lake from me. Be safe over there.

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