Benjamin Thiel Anniversary, 17 Years- Here is my advice.

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

17 years ago on a rainy June 21st, 2004, I got hitched to the woman of my dreams and it has been an adventure to be sure.

So far this is my marriage advice. Keep God in the center of your relationship, forgive often, and stay committed through the ups and downs.

Life is tough and it is tougher going it alone. A three fold cord is not so easy to break. God must be in the mix to keep a marriage.

We have no plans for the day, but we have some exciting things planned for tomorrow.

Our anniversary has unfolded on its own. My son, the Twelve Year Veteran, has collected clay, processed it into a craftable form and has been working it.

Having battled a goblin taskmaster that emerged from the compost heap,

He modeled an image of it so the neighborhood watch knows what to look for.

Goblin taskmasters are not new to us and we are diligent in dispatching them.

Artistic Depiction Of What Is Emerging From The Compost Heap.

As the clay dried, my sister Amber and our family friend Barbara dropped by for a visit.

Special effects got in the way of Barbara’s vision so we were compelled to take another photo.

In a rare turn of events, I decided to play UNO and engage in small talk. One of my friends recently nominated me for an award and I got the message. Small talk is not my strength.

I may need improvement in this area.

Soon, my Beloved and I will embark on an adventure to celebrate our anniversary! I will write about it soon!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

98 thoughts on “Benjamin Thiel Anniversary, 17 Years- Here is my advice.

        1. Benjamin says:

          Way cool! I do not recall where you are from, friend. East of Paris I assume.

          1. the mouse says:

            Never been mistaken for a Frenchman before. I’m Australian, but I live in Finland.

          2. the mouse says:

            I’m never offended. Someone as offensive as me has no right to be offended 😂

          3. Benjamin says:

            Ha ha! Fair enough… je suis content que tu ne sois pas offensé

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Bon Repos Gites! Do you have any relationship advice you would be willing to impart?

      1. Bon Repos Gites says:

        You are most welcome!! Ha, no, nothing, except maybe to not sweat the small stuff and to not be afraid to set your ego aside -sometimes it’s as much a sign of strength as weakness and can help push through issues that need not be issues 😉

  1. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations my brother you have a great family

    1. Benjamin says:

      Hello Matt, good to hear from you today! To answer your question, I like to ensure the Bible is our guidebook for life. I have found that being willing to follow wise counsel from seasoned individuals such as a pastor are paramount to growing together during the tough times.

      1. mattsnyder1970 says:

        Ah, gotcha. It’s not a part of mine nor is organized religion but I do have faith in my heart and soul. My wife, the daughter of a pastor is more in tune with the bible and church.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Yes, they are dreamy! I like real and down to earth people in my life and they fir the bill! Barbara and Amber are some of the finest people around!

  2. Beverly says:

    Happy 17th Anniversary to an amazing couple with wonderful and fun kids! Have a blessed day and a wonderful adventure on your anniversary trip!! 😁

      1. Beverly says:

        You’re welcome nephew!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Little Charmer. I know you are fully aware of the value of lasting relationships. I pray for you much and often.

  3. Ryan Callahan says:

    Congratulations, brother! Happy Anniversary! P.S. We also got married in June on the 23rd back in 2001. We are celebrating our 20th anniversary this year. Great marriage advice, I completely agree. God bless you all.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Way cool Ryan! Congratulations on twenty years! What marriage advice kept you together so long?

      1. Ryan Callahan says:

        Thanks, brother. Definitely keeping Jesus the center of our marriage, and forgiving and loving each other like He loves & forgives us.

  4. kagould17 says:

    Happy 17th anniversary Benjamin. A long happy marriage partnership is an awesome achievement. Wishing you many more. We are well on our way to #44. I can not imagine life without my beloved. Cheers. Allan

      1. kagould17 says:

        Hmmm. I think I am still learning more each year. Think of her first, find common interests to share, be honest, surprise her (good surprises) from time to time and most of all be a good listener. Not all comments or complaints need to be solved or even answered, but they all need to be heard. That is the part I am still learning. Still the best decision I ever made almost 44 years ago. Stay well. Allan

        1. Benjamin says:

          Ha ha! I could use a little work in the active listening department, Allan.
          Thank you so much for your advice!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Silver Screenings! I appreciate your kind words and that you stopped by the Campfire!

        1. Benjamin says:

          That is amazing! I am currently in the mountains on another adventure!

  5. salsaworldtraveler says:

    Happy anniversary! But if you were married 17 years ago, judging by the photos I’ve seen, you must have been “robbing the cradle.” 😄

  6. Purple Rose says:

    Happy Anniversary! 🎉
    Good advice Benjamin.
    Your son looks just like you!!!

  7. Geoff Stamper says:

    Congratulations! My wife and I have made three rounds of 17 and hope we can squeeze out a fourth. I wish you the same good fortune.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Geoff! Sorr for the late reply, I am up in the mountains.

  8. Jeff says:

    Happy anniversary! 17 years is awesome! Nice goblin, too.

  9. KK says:

    Congratulations on your blogiversary 🎉

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you! I am currently in the mountains on another adventure!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you! I am in another adventure and will be writing about it soon!

  10. Warren Richards says:

    Happy Anniversary! May the adventure, be forever, the love endless! Two hearts, feeling the fire, encamped within the burning soul!

  11. Petra says:

    Congrats again. Also, good advice. Although I don’t exactly have God in my relationship, I find communication is the most important thing of all, because everything can be figured out with honesty and understanding.

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