Brothers Campfire A Weak Walk On A Moonless Night -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 134

The moon is new. I walk in weakness. My weak is stronger than many.

I am Beast. 

Jeptha Berengar, The Beast

The forest is wide and free to the north country. The hills and forest call me.

My kitten is a friend. She makes her own decisions. She sits on my shoulder or in my arm. I love my little friend. 

What should he name his kitten? Let me know in the comments.

I am sad. Beast am sad that I do not have a family. 

Emerson adopted me as his own. The Heron adopted me. Beast should not feel sad. 

I look at the moon too much.

Perhaps it is something Beast can change.

I get sad and weak when the moon is gone.

Strange man Theodore. Beast likes to play in mud and gather clay.

The Man With The Potter’s Wheel Gets Clay From Beast on Occasion. Check maps for location.

Beast see Theodore gather dung and bring it home. 

They call me crazy. 

Theodore crazy.

It’s KNO3 ,Jeptha.
Science Science Science!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

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