Colorado Camping, A Village Undiscovered Epic A Village Undiscovered Epic

Epic! Just Epic. The Breakfasts my Beloved prepares are Epic!

Hello! Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here! The sun has set and a day of work is through. It was a tough day and…

I was disappointed in a few areas.

Fortunately for me, I have the kindest, most compassionate, and caring readers on the planet.

I have an intact family and we love each other.

I have a church and a lot of extended family.

I suppose the day has faded from memory. You all are amazing. If there are any of you out there that need anything, let me know and I will try to help you like you have helped me!

With that being said,

Due to time constraints, I was unable to write a blog post about my adventure. Gather round, and I will spin you a tale!

My Beloved needed me out of the house so she could work on her clothing business.

You Can Support Her Here!

It was time to get outside. The kids were at school. I put on my trail runners and walked out front door, not quite knowing where I would go. I went to an old standby, Fountain Creek. It has always been a place of refuge to be alone.

In my youth, there have been many dark thoughts on the game trails of this wooded area. The inspiration of Jeptha Berengar, the Beast in the Ongoing Tale was cultivated here.

Twelve years of working in prison is a direct comparison to 12 years of school. Some of you know exactly what I am saying.

I found solace and safety, much like Jeptha in my story. That being said,

Every time there is opportunity, I take happy thoughts along to replace the old. I want the region to remind me of good, uplifting things. I sing, play music on my phone and pray.

On this particular walk,The woods were full of animals to include ducks, geese, and deer. Sorry there are no pictures!

A couple of miles in, I rested. I am not at peak condition with the fat burn of a diet. Seeing the creek I was to cross, I opened a refreshing bevarage and contemplated good things.

The crossing was cold. Very cold. So cold the snow felt warm. Seriously.

I was not alone. High above a gorgeous waterfall was a well kept cottage. The inhabitants were peaceful enough, but I kept my distance.

There were many such cottages, this being the nicest. Perhaps the chief lives there. Here is another one.

If you look closely, there is another cluster of cottages across the way in the trees.

After leaving this village, I could not shake the feeling of being watched.

While I saw no one, There were folks about. I was just as suspicious of intent as they were of mine. I continued on. My old stomping grounds were littered with about with artifacts.

City of Colorado Springs, We create Community

This was funny to me. Perhaps this mostly abandoned homeless community was what they were referring to. I was cynical about this shirt, but not this hat.

It used to be pink, like all the clothing and baggage that surrounded it decomposing in the ground like her dreams. It was sobering. Whoever she was used to be a child with thoughts that did not include living here.

I went on my way down the trail. Here is a house where I spent a few years giving the opportunity to explore.

I went to my treehouse, built over 20 years ago. A board is the only remaining evidence. Remember, when you build something, build it to last. I am proud of my young self that even one plank weathered that many years.

The thoughts returned to the homeless. Why were they there? Is it what they wanted? I felt like I had to do something.

Then I stumbled upon this monstrosity. I would have taken a lot more pictures, but I was a little concerned and wanted to remain vigilant. There must have been 60 people living in this cluster of tents, tarps minivans, and tear drop trailers.

When I entered, I was met with stares. They were cordial, but it was clear I was not welcome. One resident began sharpening a knife as I passed. It was at this moment I stopped worrying about the decomposing camp earlier on the trail. It was unwanted trash left on purpose.

These people were making their village home.

8 or 9 miles in, I called it a day. I wanted to be home. A day that started with an epic breakfast ended in delectable dinner.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

51 thoughts on “Colorado Camping, A Village Undiscovered Epic A Village Undiscovered Epic

  1. Cheryl, Gulf Coast Poet says:

    Interesting adventure. It’s great that you discovered the remains of your old treehouse! 🙂 The food looks inviting! <3 Have a great weekend, Ben!

  2. Sanjana Singh says:

    Interesting post and beautiful pictures. I’ve just finished reading one of my book, and the main characters were from Colorado. It’s described beautifully. Looks like a beautiful place.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Colorado is gorgeous! Would you mind sharing the title of the book?

      1. Sanjana Singh says:

        I read Mills and Boons serious (I’m sure you won’t like it 😁) but just in case, it’s “The Guardian” written by Cindi Myers.

  3. Paquerite says:

    I’m like you I don’t like being around people like this camp, we don’t know what kinds of bad intentions people can be motivated by …
    I love the skeleton of your old treehouse, it’s moving;)
    Good day Ben

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you for reading, friend!
      With 12 years in prison work, I will say that a lot of folks who commit crimes requiring a lifetime of registration dwell in these places.

      Thank you for reliving the memory of my tree house!

      P.S. I like when you used to sign your name on your comments!

      Brother’s Campfire

    1. Benjamin says:

      Lax enforcement and marijuana laws have contributed here. There is a lot of violence in these camps.

        1. Benjamin says:

          That is spooky that you said that. I have considered writing something ww3 like and take pictures of individual dwellings to denote where the characters live.

          1. dumbestblogger says:

            You’re not nthe first person I’ve spooked. It sounds like an interesting concept.

  4. ellie894 says:

    Thank you for writing and sharing this.
    Glad you’re careful out there.
    Breakfast and dinner both look wonderful, homey. ☺️
    Earlier this week I tripped while out doing an errand.
    A small prayer would be much appreciated.
    All my best to you and your family.
    Be safe,

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Petra! Ha ha! We had a conversation of how to pronounce your name. We were excited to discover by your podcast. Long E. We say it with a short e

  5. stevescountry says:

    Sounds like a great hike though I think I would prefer to stay farther away from such villages. I checked on an old tree house of mine one time but it was no longer around, not even the tree! Have a great week!😀😺🌞

    1. Benjamin says:

      Safer hikes are runner for sure! I have a goal, and this camp is part of a longer trail I want to take. Sorry to hear about your tree fort.

      1. stevescountry says:

        Oh well, tree forts are often short lived, especially when the tree gets cut for firewood!

          1. stevescountry says:

            That’s very true. There’s another one I would like to check on but it’s very hard to get to that one now. Maybe one day.

  6. achme24gmailcom says:

    Beautiful. I spent time with people in California in the same type of places.

  7. Lahoucine Elassry says:

    Thank you Brother

  8. cheriewhite says:

    Beautiful story and pictures, Ben. the picture that really caught my eye was the footprint! No way could I walk barefoot in the snow and winter. I guess I’ve got sissy feet. LOL

    1. Benjamin says:

      ha ha! i have sissy feet as well! I had already crossed a freezing stream, and they were numb.

  9. -Eugenia says:

    Thank you for sharing your adventures and the photos! You must be a brave soul to take these hikes. Thank you so much for following my blog.

    1. Benjamin says:

      It was a lot of fun, Eugenia! I plan on another on Monday.

      I had been following way too many blogs and unfollowed every one, starting from zero. Thank you for having me.

      1. -Eugenia says:

        I understand about following too many blogs. Every now and then, I have to do some house cleaning. It’s amazing that some no longer exist or haven’t posted anything in months. Anything over 20 days, I unfollow unless I know there is a reason. Plus, I won’t follow more than 400. With that said, I enjoy your stories and I am also a fan of Steve’s Country.

        1. Benjamin says:

          Thanks. I will look at this as a guideline. Yes, Steve’s Country is the best!

  10. katelon says:

    It’s so sad that so many have been reduced to homelessness. Glad you enjoyed your walk and time alone. Thanks for following my blog, I appreciate it!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you, and yes it is sad. Some are there for the drug culture and choose to be there. How is your Sunday?

  11. jowilkinson51 says:

    Thanks for dropping by my blog. Sadly life interveened for a few weeks since (as it does) but thankfully the crises (plural) and resultant busyness seem to be over thank God. I loved your wilderness background. It’s partly because several of my fantasy books have a North America winderness background in parts (The UK and south east Asia wouldn’t work for my theme). Never having been there, it’s tough to get the feel of it via research and documentaries, but reading your post I could almost see it I was also happy to see you too were a christian, a rarity among fantasy writers.OK I’m hooked lol so subscribing.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Way to go and thanks for subscribing!🤠🔥 I do like the fantasy genre!

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