Brothers Campfire Adventure. 08/04/2020

Benjamin, Brother’s Campfire

In the Land of La Longi on the dock side of town, If you had a wife, you likely had a hammer. At least that is what I have been told. Source

Well, about 14 years ago, I was pinching pennies and I wanted a heavy hammer for tinkering with hot metal and such.

It just so happened that I worked with a part delivery guy that shoed horses.

He told me I could stop by his shop and he would give me a hammer.

The directions he gave were in the middle of town and I found out he lived in a fourplex. There was no shop but he gave me the head to a hammer.

No, not this.

Perhaps he shoed horses somewhere else, but the guy had exaggerated his shop a little. Regardless, I was in possession of a hammer. I just needed a handle. So, I went down to the creek and made me a handle. Here it is.

I have used this hammer all this time and that handle has never come loose until yesterday.

I got a bucket of water and soaked the hammer overnight. It is now in working condition.

The water makes the handle swell.

After reading my Bible, the hammer was the first thing I tended to this morning. Well, that is, aside from coffee. Now all I need something that needs hammering.

I was uncommon proud of myself for putting in practice a skill I learned long ago in Cub Scouts, but there was a lot of work to be done.

Now, I have been looking at these rocks under my deck for a long time and they needed moving. I got a wheelbarrow and shovel and set out to removing them.

It was backbreaking work but I did it. My neighbors want the rock for a project. Good riddance.

Brother’s Campfire Rock. Not a Music Group

I am heading back to work tomorrow so I mowed the lawn,

and pulled a couple of wheelbarrows full of weeds. While not everyone agrees on whether or not to compost them, I use everything and hope the heat from the decomposition kills a lot of the seeds.

As you look at my second batch, you will see I mixed yesterday’s charcoal and ashes on top and found something shiny and remarkable inside.

See, while I was building yesterday’s fire, we decided to throw in a golf club to see what would happen.

Yes, a golf club.

This was in my compost with the ashes. Aaron, you told a fib to Moses way back when.

I did all this before breakfast, so the food was much needed and epic.

The garnish is a cosmos flower. They are crisp and taste a little like yucca flowers. They are related to dandelion, marigolds, and sunflower if I am not mistaken.

Now you want to know what yucca flowers taste like.

After breakfast, I made a spear from pvc pipe and broken pruning shears. The log rounds got speared a few times, and the uprising has been quelled.

Willow Manor is fertilized by excrement machines so I picked up a few goldfish. The ducks have an insatiable appetite for these guys so don’t get too attached.

Well Oxygenated For The Photo Op

Prior to the pet store, I picked up supplies for a few projects. Two in my tribe needed a little pick me up so I got them a Rockstar and Cookies N Creme Hershey Bars.

One of the projects I worked on was natural bug deterrent for my garden.

Bugs Do Not Like These Flavors Very Much.

I used a pestal and mortar to grind one tablespoon each of onion powder, garlic powder, and crushed red pepper to a liter of water.

After heating, straining and running through a coffee filter, my spray bottle was ready.

Tastes good on eggs as well!

If you are still with me, the day progressed to other arts and crafts.

What shall we carry here?

My Beloved works my days off and when she was done with her clothing business we decided on a bit of fishing.

Well, perhaps

Oh, yes…. Arts and crafts. Earlier, we got a mason jar and made a twine holder for it.

I broke open some chem sticks from the dollar store and added them to my project from earlier.

Chem Sticks

What do you think? It seems like a lantern from a storybook to me.

Well, that was my day. Off to work with the incarcerated tomorrow!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

64 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Adventure. 08/04/2020

  1. Lia says:

    Brother, you are 100% amazing!!! All of this is wow! I love the natural pesticide recipe. And the photos too. Also, I love that I can read the whole post in WP Reader now! That makes is a lot easier for me, too. So sincerely thank you. :)) 💛🙌🙏🎉👌

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ha ha! You know, I have wore shoes less this year than any in my life. When I walked the sand dunes, I did that barefoot as well! I suppose in Australia that os a potential death sentence. I hear you can die just bu looking at pictures of some of the creatures that live there!

      1. Cassa Bassa says:

        Lol…it it acceptable to wear flip flops all year round in Australia, even in the snows ☺️

  2. rue202 says:

    Well, sounds like you are very busy!
    “Aaron, you told a fib to Moses way back when” – LMAO!!!!!! Good one!!!!

  3. Jacqui Murray says:

    I’m new to your blog and am not at this moment sure how much is tongue-in-cheek or how much is just cheeky. I’ll be back, gotta figure that out.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Welcome! (I just saved this comment from the spam folder, sorry!) I look forward to your cheeky or tongue in cheek synopsis!

  4. gifted50 says:

    I will be trying your bug spray…. you have an interesting life.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Sorry for the late response. I try to keep things interesting!

  5. Tanya says:

    The fact that you got so much work done in just one day is making me feel guilty for wasting my hours. But I did quite enjoying vicariously living a day in your life through this post. 😊😄

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you for your kind words, friend! I appreciate you stopping by to hang out with us. Do visit again!

      1. Tanya says:

        The pleasure was all mine! I’ll be sure to stop by. 😊🌸

    1. Benjamin says:

      And good morning to you! I am just finishing up watering the ducks!

  6. theexiledexhorter says:

    My brother Domingo’s birthday 🎁. His wife died and he could not go on living. Died 08/02/1 year after her passing. Sorry to saddle you guys

    1. Benjamin says:

      I am sorry for the loss of Domingo’s wife. It must be very hard. Give him a Happy Birthday from Brother’s Campfire for me!🤠🔥🎂

    1. Benjamin says:

      I agree! I like to get out as much as I can as well! I live in Colorado, Usa. Where does love blossom?

    1. Benjamin says:

      It is a distinct pleasure to meet you, Zahra! Is this your first time to visit Brother’s Campfire?

      1. Loveblossom says:

        Yes, this is the first time. And I liked your blog very much. It seems, it is a great fun to be a traveler and travel around the world. I rarely travel so I enjoy reading travel blogs so that I feel like I am a traveler too

        1. Benjamin says:

          I would love to travel the world myself b friend! Most of my adventures are within a few hours of my home.

          1. Loveblossom says:

            That’s true.
            Instead of travel around the world, a few hour of home will bring us more thrill and adventure🤠🤠😜😂😂

          2. Loveblossom says:

            I’m sorry I misunderstood at first place😜😜🙏🙏. But truly with your posts and adventure it’s hard to tell that it’s just your home anyone will think that you are traveling around the world.
            I must say you have a hard but wonderful life your each day is full of thrill and stories.
            I shouldn’t compare but I don’t even have enough things to write in my regular diary. Everyday is same.
            The most adventurous and thrilling thing that happens to me is to be scolded by my mother😜😜😜

          3. Benjamin says:

            You know friend, people wear dress shoes to events. I just put a shine on a pair of running shoes. Sometimes it is tough. If you think about it, you can make adventure out of little things. As for veing scolded by your mother, did you have it coming?

          4. Loveblossom says:

            That makes sense. Sometimes just a chat with my (horrible) friend is enough to thrill me out.
            As for new experiences or adventure I think you are right. ‘adventure out of little things’🤠🤠🤠. Thank you so much ummmm sorry I don’t know your name so. Thank you so much storyteller. Now I think I’ll have more things for my diary.

          5. Benjamin says:

            My name is Benjamin. I look forward to hearing what you share from your diary. I am curious about your (horrible ) friend. 🤠🔥

          6. Loveblossom says:

            Hello Ben. I’ll will definitely let you know about my (horrible) friend 😜😜😜.

        1. Benjamin says:

          You turn the crack in the tile floor into a dangerous ravine. The water you drink is a magic potion. Every meal you eat is the feast of royalty. If I begin telling more stories, perhaps you can join me!

          1. Loveblossom says:

            I used to watch many fairytales and I have been always thinking about living like this. After hearing you. I think it would be fun to imagine this kind of things.
            I will surely try it. From today on my everyday will be full of fun and excitement. 🤟🤟🤟✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️

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