Brothers Campfire 15 Miles Lots of Smiles

Hello Friends! It is 6ish in morning and a brisk 39F here in the Colorado Rockies! My Beloved and I will soon embark on a 15 mile walk together! I was awakened to my Beloved praying about an hour ago, so I know it will be an amazing day!

I do not like to be distracted by too much gaming, and geo realms has helped me scratch the itch, but requires minimal time to play. I get armies for walking

I also took my fitbit off so I could start at perfect zero to record our trip!

When I return, It is my intention to tell you all about it! I also will be working feverishly

to get 2 longer posts out for tomorrow. These will be very important to me and I hope you enjoy them.

Anyways, I have steps to take with Beloved. Farewell!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

22 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire 15 Miles Lots of Smiles

  1. Ishaan Sharma says:

    You live in the rockies? That must be amazing. Do you see huge snowy peaks throughout the year?

      1. Ishaan Sharma says:

        You live in the rockies most of the year, or you see snow most of the year, or the mountains most of the year.

  2. summerhilllane says:

    Carry me in your backpack, I don’t weigh much😁😁 looking forward to the stories you will have later. ❤️to you

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