Brothers Campfire asks.. Where.. Do the missing socks go?

Hello Friends!

Over time, I have been phasing out all of the different types and styles of socks in my collection with few exceptions. In my line of work, we are required to wear black or blue socks. I have opted for black.

They match with everything mostly and are covered by pants and shoes.

Who is this foppish dandy? Actually, who cares?

Sometimes I think my dryer has a conection to another dimension that has a vested interest in them. I took a picture of the inside of the menace and there appears to be a sinister face inside.

Is this a tongue? Do socks suffer silently here before they disappear?

I scratch my head at the complexities of it all. Why do we collect hard to mate socks and where do they go? To add to the possibilities, I may have contributed to the missing socks at different times in my life.

Brother’s Firestarters? Eww!
Hair? Yuck! What have I gotten into?

I will be relived when I get to the bottom of this. I have ordered all my socks to be vigilant and go about in pairs but they are independent sorts and wander where they will. If you have any idea where the missing socks go, I really would like to hear them in the comments.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

104 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire asks.. Where.. Do the missing socks go?

      1. Bon Repos Gites says:

        Between the dog and the washing machine, there is a veritable Bermuda Triangle for laundry here!

        1. Benjamin says:

          I think there is an epidemic of missing socks all over the world! What can be done?

  1. Lydia Potter says:

    Oh my word! Yesterday, I did my laundry, and no lie… 4 individual socks were gone. That was unreal. I looked everywhere for my precious socks! It’s no good if I have one pink, green, purple, and blue sock without the match. I’ve very picky about that!

      1. Lydia Potter says:

        No where! Not in the dryer, not on the couch, not in the basket, not on my feet (it’s summer time, who wears socks?) not in my drawer, not in any sock collecting clothes washed with you…. good grief.

        1. Benjamin says:

          Hmmm…. Are they needed by someone else? Perhaps devious reasons?

          1. Benjamin says:

            But what if? Could an evil Alchemist be manufacturing minions?

          2. Benjamin says:

            I think Herb Thiel is right. The Alchemist must be using them somehow!

          3. Benjamin says:

            I am right pretty often. I am willing to admit when I am wrong though.

  2. Abhishek pathania says:

    All the good socks go to hell.
    Now imagine you wake up in Hell and the Devil leads you to an endless pile of lost socks and says you will sort these for eternity.

  3. cheriewhite says:

    Oh, the sock-eating dryer! This past weekend, I think I lost the mates to about three pairs of socks!!! Oh, well. If I don’t find them soon, I can just make hand-dusters out of them! Just cut a hole in the toe and slip it over my hand when I get ready to dust my furniture! LOLOL

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ha ha! That is a great idea! I think everyone is missing thier socks all over the world! It … Must be a conspiracy!!!

  4. herbthiel says:

    Hmmm…Could it be??? Never mind, well, for a moment a chill went up my spine and I had an image of the Alchemist in my mind. I need to go back and re-read the whole story from the beginning.
    Or it could be indigestion.
    Or it could be a nightmare, induced by imagining a pile of your socks being somewhere…the smell! The stench!

  5. ICT Genealogist says:

    Sounds like the dryer is to blame. Maybe lint is the leftover remains of socks after the dryer eats the socks.

    I have 2 colors of socks – white and black. About 5 pairs of each. When I do laundry, I don’t bother to sort other than all whites in one pile and all blacks in another pile. As time goes on, I buy more of whichever color starts running low.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ha ha! That is an excellent idea. Does the dryer really eat them or do they co somewhere?

      1. ICT Genealogist says:

        Don’t know, all I know is I can put 8 socks in the washer, I don’t count how many I take out and make it to the dryer. On occasion, I notice one is missing after I pull out of the dryer and see an odd number of black or white socks. I always check the washer and dryer thoroughly after removing items in case I missed an item.

          1. ICT Genealogist says:

            Funny you should mention minions. My standard ringtone for unknown phone numbers is a free Zedge minions ringtone. ☺

  6. stlautismmom says:

    I have no idea where they all go. And why do we just keep buying more and more and more of them? They will just disappear into the abyss also. That’s what I like about spring/summer…no sock wearing for me!

    1. Benjamin says:

      The abyss you say? Could they be on another dimensional plane?

      1. stlautismmom says:

        Heck yeah they are. There can be no other explanation. I put two socks in, one comes out. I continue to be baffled.

  7. Edmond says:

    I think they disappear into the sky and become clouds.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Edmond, that may be exactly where they go. I never thought of that.

  8. rue202 says:

    Thanos snapped his fingers and as well as half the universe’s population, the Snap has also gotten rid of half the sock populace.

      1. rue202 says:

        Oh, yeah. It happened. They recorded it in Avengers: Infinity War, but they disguised the event as a fictitious movie.

          1. rue202 says:

            Absolutely! Form our own secret group where we keep each other updated and informed about what’s REALLY going on.

          2. rue202 says:

            Cool name! Who else should we invite to join our group?

          3. Benjamin says:

            Ha ha! “No Doubt” would be a pretty nify secret society!

          1. Benjamin says:

            Do you think an angy Alchemist took them for his devious plans?

          2. Benjamin says:

            Maybe there are little people making clothes with our missing socks.

  9. nopassingfancy says:

    Well now! I am convinced that all our missing socks are on an island somewhere, sipping tropical drinks and throwing a party… with all the tupperware plastic lids that seem to go missing in my house too! 😛 😉

    1. Benjamin says:

      It very well could be! I think Tupperware lids are designed to disappear so the salesperson can throw the party! Great theory!!!

  10. athousandbitsofpaper says:

    What do the aliens want with our humble socks and why just one of? I’ve always wondered that – so you’re saying it’s the dryer? Hmm more investigation required

    1. Benjamin says:

      Where indeed! I have opted for the same brand of black sock so I can purchase them over and over and not worry as much. It stresses me out!

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