Brothers Campfire Violet-An Ongoing Tale Chapter 60

The wind blew harshly as the winter storm rolled into La Longi causing the snow to fall sideways.

Violet had been crying in her room. There was little warmth or consolation with the threadbare blanket that had one time been a fuzzy comfort. She could not sleep. When she could, she could not wake up on time. The Puking Peasant Inn was empty and its patrons had gone to bed.

She was alone and knew it. Galvin was a sweetheart, but his songs only brought additional attention to her state.

She did not remember the last time she had eaten. She did not care. She nursed pints of Screaming Peaches to forget. Night after night. She snapped at the customers and they insulted her in return.

She was irritable and miserable. Violet was restless. She could not focus and she wanted something to happen. She said to herself,

Galvin was a sweetheart, but his songs only brought additional attention to her state.

She did not remember the last time she had eaten. She did not care. She nursed pints of Screaming Peaches to forget. Night after night. She snapped at the customers and they insulted her in return.

She was irritable and miserable. Violet was restless. She could not focus and she wanted something to happen. She said to herself,

“Violet will go for a walk and she will wilt away.” She would die beautifully frozen.

She put the last bit of makeup on her face and parted her hair over the scar. When she looked in the mirror she was numb. Carefully, she sprayed lavender scent on her neck and clothing and pulled her leather boots over her old stockings. She would not cry, it would ruin her appearance, She would die with poise.

Her first step into the storm brought her to her senses. She felt alive indeed with the blast of cold air.

She walked to the docks and felt giddy with excitement. Being outside shook the dark weight from her shoulders for the time being.

She began to sing happy songs from childhood.

A fisherman was tying up for the night. He was out way too late to be up to any good. She walked a wide berth around him so she would not be noticed. Her heart beat hard with excitement. She pretended she was on a secret mission.

She bumped into the city watch.

The watchman addressed her.” my lady, it’s late or early depending on your opinion. You must be getting somewhere safe. You could freeze to death out here.”

He was kind, not your typical late night watchman who might abuse his power.

Violet said to the watchman, ” why, I thought I might take a swim your lordship.” She smiled at him from a hair covered forehead with simultaneous innocence and wickedness in her eyes.

The watchman was embarrassed and wary.

“You must not! You would die and I am afraid I could not save you if you did.”

Violet was playful and dangerous and not in the right frame of mind.. She ran for the dock to the nearest water. At the top of her lungs she shouted, “I’m going swimming!” The city watchman tore after her, trying to maintain his footing in the snow. She was a dancer, nimble and fast, running onto an empty boat deck. He was a city watchman with a few extra pounds.

He was not out of shape, but cautious. One slip could potentially mean death for the watchman.

Violet grabbed a rail and leaned out towards the water with her body.

” my lady, I beg of you. I cannot swim and could not bear to watch you die of shock or drowning. Please step back to safety.”

She loved to swim. There was plenty of open space to do so. Violet felt wild and reckless this evening. She jumped in the water. The watchman shouted desperately and could not see her. It took everything in him not to jump in to try and save her. He did not know how to swim and would freeze even if he could.

She surfaced. Violet laughed. ” come in! The water is fine! ” she swam towards the dock and the watchman stretched out his arm. She submerged again and came up splashing water on him. Then she stopped moving. She was just out of reach. He leaned out on the rail. A slip for him would be certain death. He reached out.

As soon as the watchman had a grip, he forcefully pulled her from the water.

This was his beat and help was out of earshot. He removed his coat and wrapped her in it. She said she was fine and began to shiver. He yelled for help and it did not come. There was no choice but to carry her to safely. The best way for him was to sling her over both his shoulders. When he did, Violet laughed. ” I’m a birdy! Tweet tweet! Frozen! I’m frozen!”

The watchman had seen a lot of life but had never been so irritated with someone so close to death. She was shivering uncontrollably.

The guard shack was small and he built up the fire in the stove. His partner had not shown up for work due to an illness and he was in an awkward position alone with this woman.

He decided to remove her boots and coat and placed her by the tiny stove. Her hair was frozen and she stopped shivering.
He was angry and scared. He blamed himself for not being assertive enough. The watchman went to a house and banged on the door. Dog’s barked ferociously. A fisherman and his wife answered the door. ” Sir, I am from the city watch. There is a young lady who fell in the harbor and she will die if she doesn’t get warm. Will you help me?

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...