Valentine’s Day Planning At Brothers Campfire

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

Thank you for supporting my Beloved in her post. She is an intelligent and amazing woman, who I am proud to call my Bride.

I suppose I had better start referring to her as Bella as to not have any confusion….

Nah. She is my Beloved Bride.

Isabel, my Beloved Bride

I wrote a few things I love about her in late November, 2021. You can read them here.

Right now…

We are trying to figure out what to do on Valentine’s Day.

We have been on some extreme dates so the bar is high.

We have:

Built sandcastles at the Sand Dunes

Learned how to make sushi

Made pottery from scratch

Squared up against pit bulls

Played Nurse and Patient

Hiked miles on ice to see a historical cabin

Played Doctor and Patient

Faught in live-action role play with foam weapons

Publicly displayed affection on the edge of a cliff

Strolled through a graveyard in the middle of the night

Winter camped on a mountainside without a fire

Gardened in a downpour

Went ice fishing

Fired spuds in the air

And many other things.

I am calling on you all to assist us in something new.

Do you all have any suggestions? Please let me know in the comments section. Links are ok as well!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

51 thoughts on “Valentine’s Day Planning At Brothers Campfire

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you! What advice do you have for us? What is your idea of the best date?

      1. Jane Aguiar says:

        Welcome! Since I am on election duty on 13th and 14th February, we cannot celebrate Valentine’s Day. Election duty will be from 6.00 am to 6.00 pm. So I can’t suggest any ideas .My mood is off.

        1. Benjamin says:

          Ohh, that sounds frustrating. What is election duty in your country?

          1. Jane Aguiar says:

            Assembly elections in India. They don’t believe in valentine’s day so purposely kept on this day

          2. Benjamin says:

            Ouch. Sorry your mood is off. If you think of something when your spirits are high, let me know!

            Have a beautiful day, Friend!

  1. Terveen Gill says:

    I’m still trying to get through your long list. It’s a creative one! How about a quiet dinner at your favorite eating place? Need to balance out the adventure. Haha! Wish you two well. 🙂

    1. Benjamin says:

      Hmmm…. A quiet dinner? Absurd!
      No…just joking. Great idea!🤠🔥

  2. henhouselady says:

    Wow. It looks like you’ve cover all the major thrills. Do you have any local places, historic sites, or museums you always wanted to visit but never have. An example of this is we live close to Indianapolis but have never gone to the 500 race.

    1. Benjamin says:

      That is a great idea! We have not been to the Pioneer Museum in downtown Colorado Springs for a while!

      Thank you Hen House Lady!

  3. Thattamma C.G Menon says:

    So beautiful photos and the link 61 lines so marvellous, your wife so talented and you how much love her is a fairy tale story 🌷👍🏻💕😍 I like your 60th line so much 👌👏 God Bless you and your loving family and your wife fast come
    back normal life ♥️😊Advance Happy Valentines Day for you two also 🌷♥️🌷

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you, Friend! I liked #60 as well!

      Do you have any holidays like Valentine’s Day in your country or where you live?
      Do you have any ideas about a new date we can go on? 🤠🔥☕

      1. Thattamma C.G Menon says:

        So welcome for this nice comment message 🌷🙏❤️ I’m living Malaysia and
        Here very grandly celebrating every year , this year also same , my children
        Will celebrate 🌷❤️ no holidays here 🌷 we are living another countries 🌝

  4. Homemaking in the Dunes says:

    This year we are building forms to make a adobe bricks to pave the barren backyard. I guess we will make the mud on Mother’s day and Father’s day when it is warm to make the mud. One year, a high school boyfriend made an appointment to donate blood on Valentine’s day. You could donate if you were 17 and parent permission. Last year my husband made a large table for the porch to have dinner outside. We have painted sunsets. He made me a dumbbell rack for my gym. I made him chocolates. We always have a dinner we make together with good music and a chocolate mousse.

    1. Benjamin says:

      That sounds amazing! Thank you for sharing.
      Down the road, you should make plans to visit us!

  5. Rivers Renewed says:

    You went through a graveyard?? Foam weapons sounds very cool! Hmm, doctor and patient, now that’s interesting……Whatever you do try feeding her some chocolate covered strawberries…..

      1. elvira797mx says:

        Ok friend…. If you have a terrace, place flowers framing the place, you can be jars or vases with red flowers and candles. A candle a flower, creating a pattern. A table with a white tablecloth, place a lamp under it, so that it lights up, candles and petals, of red roses on top, you can make a path of petals towards the place. It is mportant you prepare dinner, whatever you want to give it, with a nice presentation, winw, jug with water and slices of oreange and strawberries, the dessert can be a ice cream or chocolate mousse, serverd in glasses. wich are see that you take care of every detail. Don’t forget the music, romantic. for dances under the stars. Remind her how beautiful and importantshe is to you.
        I hope you find it useful.
        If I were your neighbor, I would help you fix everithing and cook.
        Thanks for ask.

          1. elvira797mx says:

            It is a pleassure. Enjoy Your date! 😊🍜🕯️🌷🎶✨🙏🏻☕

          2. elvira797mx says:

            It is a pleassure. Enjoy Your date! 😊🍜🕯️🌷🎶✨🙏🏻☕ Thanks!

        1. Benjamin says:

          I did, thank you! Well thought out! Sorry, I was taking a nap.

          1. elvira797mx says:

            Thats what friends do. Thanks for your kindness and support. 😊👍🏼☕

  6. mattsnyder1970 says: wife works long 12 hour days on Mondays & Tuesdays right now so Vday 2022 will most likely be an exchange of cards in the morning. As for you because every waking hour is a new adventure for Bella in recovery, have a quite Valentine’s Day.

  7. Ryan Callahan says:

    Great list of dates! You could visit Glen Eyrie Castle there in the Springs. It’s a beautiful and romantic place. They also do a tea time and other cool events. It’s a great retreat venue and is actually a ministry of the Navigators. Blessings!

  8. leendadll says:

    Do a couples painting (diptych)?? A lot of studios around here are having v-day couples workshops.

  9. Shruthi Senthilkumar says:

    That’s a grand list! Maybe you could just stay at home, order pizza and watch a good movie together?
    (Also, I’m glad your wife is doing better now.)

    1. Benjamin says:

      Great idea! Thank you for the suggestion!

      My Beloved is getting better, but she needs your prayers! 🤠🔥☕

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