Brothers Campfire Is Looking For Authors

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

Our audience is expanding a little. Some days, over a third of the traffic comes from outside of the WordPress Blogger realm.

Well, we have to log in to a bunch of devices and click through all the posts from Google, but growth is growth, right?

We are looking for contributors, and now is a good time to stop by and spin a tale at Brothers Campfire.

No, for real. This pine is scheduled to be cut down and I have several stacks of wood just waiting to be split. There are a lot more Campfires to be had.

Contributing to Brother’s Campfire is easy. All you need to do is contact us with the email that is connected to your WordPress Blog.

This is an excellent way to increase visibility while funneling traffic to your site.

While not the biggest site, Brother’s Campfire has the best of the best when it comes to readers and participation.

Our menu is amazing! No other site offers a virtual Campfire, scorched hot dogs, s’mores, dark and bitter coffee, hot chocolate, and Bengal spice tea.

Let us know and we will get you spinning tales in no time!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

34 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Is Looking For Authors

    1. Benjamin says:

      Hello Kim! I invited you and look forward to your first introduction post !

      1. Kim Smyth says:

        Thank you Benjamin but every time I try to create a post it’s telling me I’ve got to create an account and sign in.

          1. Kim Smyth says:

            Well, it’s my fault. My password was leaked and now I can’t seem to log in. I can get in my account but not yours for some reason. I may have to fix everything on my side first.

          2. Benjamin says:

            Take your time Kim! I sent a password reset on my end for this site.

          3. Kim Smyth says:

            Yep I got him to be able to view your site but as far as trying to write a post it keeps taking me back to a login page and I cannot login for some reason.

          4. Benjamin says:

            Do you use the WordPress App? If so, Android, Apple, desktop?

          5. Benjamin says:

            In the top left corner should be your site. You can switch sites there. Hopefully this helps

          6. Kim Smyth says:

            I went there and when I switch sites, bring up Brothers Campfire, click on new post, it takes me to a sign in page. I tried to put my credentials in and my password is wrong. I click forgot password and instead of taking me to create a new one, it takes me back to the login page.

          7. Benjamin says:

            Ok. I will pass this on. Did you get a password reset email from me?

          8. Kim Smyth says:

            Yes, that’s what I clicked that resulted in continuously going back to the log in page. I even tried to create a new account but that didn’t work either.

          9. Benjamin says:

            Agrajag! I will call an expert in! 😆 Sorry this isn’t working well!

          10. Kim Smyth says:

            Btw, if I ever get in, do you need brand new stories, or can it be a story I wrote and submitted on a different platform?

      1. 1972italy says:

        Awww! Thank you! What do you need from me next? Intro post? Specific topic post? I am very excited to do this but I honestly have no idea, lol.

        1. Benjamin says:

          An introduction would be amazing!
          Then we can find what you like best!

          1. 1972italy says:

            Fab! I’ll see if I can get one cranked out today. ❤️ Thank you!

  1. frederick anderson says:

    Hello Ben, I hope you find the contributions you’re looking for. I’m struggling to fulfill my own quota at the moment, with a succession of problems to deal with, so I won’t add my application for now, but should the sun start shining again I’d be honoured to have you consider me.

    1. Benjamin says:

      I would be delighted to have the admirable and sophisticated Frederick Anderson expound at Brothers Campfire!

      Let me know when you are ready!

  2. Running on Fumes says:

    Hello! I’m not sure if I’m what you’re looking for as I’m not really outdoorsy but I can roast a mean marshmallow!

    1. mattsnyder1970 says:

      I’m am far from outdoorsy myself and Ben accepted a comic I drew about life with a cat. So I think it’s a free for all as long as it’s in good taste.

  3. Petra says:

    I still need to write a post for you and I already know what it will be, but unfortunately I’m still super busy. One day soon

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