Ute Community Orphanage

Hello, Benjamin from Brothers Campfire here!

Growing up in Colorado, the curiosity of those that came before peaks my interest.

A notable group were the Ute. Modern day Utah is named for them if I am not mistaken.

In my Colorado history studies, I have read the somewhat recent history of a few leaders.

Blackhawk, Ouray, Polk, and Posey come to mind.

Digging a little , I found that a Kiowa Apache woman named Chipeta married into the Ute Tribes and was an excellent representative of their people.

While warlike out of necessity, the Utes have mostly been a laid-back community that preferred peace and trade.

Well, some things didn’t work out so well for them population wise and now there are less than 10,000 Utes in existence today.

Other things have gone well, and they are some of the most wealthy Native Americans in the United States.

This being said, I was surprised to be followed by the Ute Community Orphanage and asked for a donation.

We are determined to do all we can to reach out to the world about this kid’s and how important it is to give them a good life they never had. Remember if you give, you will surely receive in a million ford. My name is Michael am 8 years old, my mom and dad […]

Ute community orphanage home foundation is a helping hand to the homeless kids in the streets.

Living within a few hundred miles of the Ute Reservations, this is the first time I heard there was a shortage of Ute parents to necessitate an orphanage.

I was also unaware and in awe of thier immense wealth. I thought maybe I they were middle class or something, but I am finding out that If I donate, I will receive a million Fords. It says so, right on the post.

I don’t want them all at once.

I reached out to this benevolent charity for more information and will keep you posted.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

10 thoughts on “Ute Community Orphanage

  1. Iseult Murphy says:

    Very interesting about the Ute. I look forward to reading about delivery of your one million Fords.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ha ha! Would you like one? I have some oceanfront property here in Colorful Colorado as well!

      1. Iseult Murphy says:

        Send me over a dozen or so! I think I might need my binoculars for that sea view.

  2. TamrahJo says:

    In the first winter of COVID (2020) – it came across my radar there was a charity I could donate to that provide food and heating help to the matriarchal elders in reservation areas, cultural and art galleries I visited in 2015 – Hard times if no one traveling, everyone staying home – so I donated a small sum, each month – until in late 2021 – a change occurred – either my address got sold to earn more $ OR a new ‘marketing for them’ firm was hired – Now? As I approach the end of 2022?

    I have received the following ‘free gifts’ in packages designed to get me to donate:

    Greeting cards for many ocassions
    Christmas cards to send to others
    More free return address labels than I’ll ever use in a lifetime and I send a lot of lil note cards/thank you/thinking of you notes each month (doesn’t everyone like getting something in the mail other than bills/donation requests or political/religious mailers?
    Note pads that say ‘from the desk of’ as if my name and note is ALL important
    Key chains
    Sharpie Markers
    Ball point pens
    Trinkets in jewelry fronts –

    Me? Sigh –
    How much money does this all cost to send this stuff out in hopes someone donates again?
    How much food, fuel or labor time to ‘help’ could that same amount purchased, for real needs?

    Sigh – Sigh – Sigh – Thus, I went back to my old stubborn ways – I am right back to ‘giving’ locally and hoping, if I do my best here, the ripple effects will somehow, some way – move out to help others far away, too –

      1. TamrahJo says:

        Yup – okey-dokey – will put your request on the list – how do you believe me donating to you might play out? On what front shall I volunteer on? Cash? Sharing education, how to? Volunteer Activism to change conditions within and without that have created the world in which you earn your living – systems so steeped in long ago past, I sometimes cannot wrap my head around it and current conversations that wish for something different, but do not know where to start without ‘breaking this, over there’?

        I show up here – to hear your story – share my own as I think it may be relevant – both in hopes, dreams and …um…well that didn’t turn out well –

        And yet – I just published the Sunday Reflections post as I try hard to remember – Somethings I’m within the system that isn’t the best – sometimes I’m on the outside of it – and yet, at the end of the day – there are burdens we all carry – that no one can truly save us from or carry for us – there is only ourselves, and what we are willing, able and ready to do – and well – fine – you are on the list of requests – but since I only have a glimmer here and there of WHAT you are truly struggling with – within that system and I care, but not quick/easy to do? To me? Other than say – “Hang in there – hard job – in system that is not kind at all to either the imprisoned or those in charge – try not to lose your soul while walking in that world – remember who you truly are – at your best, shiniest, wish to be better moment -…”

        What, exactly, do you think, in a hand’s on way, I could actually donate to change your prison that you work in? Or the prison of your soul?

        Deets – please – if ya ask, ya better tell me what you think I can actually help you with – that would actually be helpful – otherwise?

        All I see are so many things in need – for you – where you work – larger systems at play – I wouldn’t even know where to start – really – to say, ‘um, sure – where can I help ya?”

        But, that’s just me – sorry if what I commented on/posted made ya feel more attacked than my intent to try to convey – “sometimes I give, only to find myself sold down the river – and well – I just go back to – ‘what’s in front of me, just now – sure, sure, I can care about all that other stuff – too – but right now – what is closest to me I may have a clue about, that I can do…”

        Hugs and well – you asked – I answered – 😀 Your turn

        1. Benjamin says:

          Literally, if you want to donate faith-based or educational material, or if you wanted to tell your ideas to inmates by webcam, I am the guy to contact.

          1. TamrahJo says:

            Okey-dokey – I am not webcam friendly – but will compile a list of the books/fronts I think might have chance in hell of succeeding, in addition to Faith Based works, I think every human should be aware of –

            But, for me? After Faith Based Works? In your system? For those confined and those in charge? Both?

            Insta comes to mind are:

            Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl (68 pages, if memory serves me correctly) Short Read, lifetime of trying to apply/understand, really, for me and I’m not fully there – – yet!

            The Lucifer Effect: Why good people do bad things by Phillip Zimbardo (and I may have gotten the title wrong…)

            The Prayer of Jabez by Bruce Wilkinson
            (Yes, faith based, but well – so at odds, really, when it first came on my radar, at what Faith Based folks around me were saying about not asking for myself, or holding the compassion for those who were just born into, named (labeled) into a world that demanded they fight, just to survive, from the get go –

            And – well – I get my work done and paid for and you work in a prison that doesn’t have these books in the library OR can’t get them in for ya – ?

            Give me a drop ship address for you in your ministrey OR the prison library – (best to send to you, me thinks!) and I’ll put on the list to order in and get them sent to you –

            Cuz that? I can do 😀

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