Brothers Campfire Ire of Reiterating

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

Work was good this week. I felt productive and useful. It was a difficult transition from being a caregiver to redirecting nonsense and providing boundaries to those that need them.

I will be attending church today, and you are welcome to listen live if you wish. The service times are on the site.

On December 2nd, things changed up a little here at Willow Manor. Setting priorities and boundries was and is important.

Jesus is the first priority followed by my family. When Jesus is in the mix, things will fall in place. Providing income for my family is important, but not as important as being in the house of God with His people.

There is plenty of work out there that can wait until after church.

This does not give permission for one to be lazy and blame it on God. Be productive.

I chose to write throughout all this as it is an outlet for stress and personal expression. It was not a priority, but I am not perfect either.

On the topic of writing, a few missed what I was saying or did not say on my last post.

Let me precursor by saying you are free to express yourself and I encourage it even if we aren’t on the same side of an issue.

It is the Campfire, and banter back and forth we will.

Now, let’s provide additional clarity.

First of, I did set a tone with a click-baiting GIF and triggering title.

No regrets on my end. It’s hard work being this good.

While not a lawyer, I am a correctional professional and consistently have to ensure I am not entangled in my words. Here they are.

“Too close to Biblical prophecy” does not mean I believe that this particular line of tech is the “mark”. I am setting personal boundaries while calculating consequences. It is called “adulting” by some.

At no time did I say I was worried about being tracked. I write my life story online and keep my GPS on in case something bad happens. I am easy to find.

And in addition, I am for the appropriate use of medical technology and at no time said I was an anti vaxxer.

Hopefully, these points provide clarity to my sentiments.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

2 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Ire of Reiterating

  1. leendadll says:

    If you were within my vocal range (several hundred miles?) I would make fake outrage noises at you.

    I prefer carrying my info to be optional. I have a QR code in my phone for official vax proof. No need to put it under my skin. Jewelry would be acceptable to me, with all kinds of data. But again, that’s at MY discretion.

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