Brothers Campfire The End Of The Beginning-An Ongoing Tale Chapter 111

A great feast of exotic fare was prepared for the Warriors of Northwich. Turlough O’Hagan stood in for Lord Emerson as a pressing matter had befallen him. 

Ahusaka was not ready for travel as he was recovering from serious injuries. He endured the large portions of venison and fermented fruit served to him. Though in much pain, he sat stoic and upright in his chair. 

Titles and positions were freely awarded by the King. The 16 were awarded clemency for their crimes and given right of free passage throughout the kingdom for their valor. Commander Nicholas, one of the 16, was presented a high position in La Longi which he declined. 

To a surprised king he stated, I will live and die a Northwich Warrior. “Boo that Man.”

15 men, some very worse for the wear shouted, “Boo that Man!” 

A hasty explanation by the elder O’Hagan softened the king’s angered reaction. 

A man of few words, the king stated, “Indeed, Boo That Man!”

A commotion was heard from the doors of the great hall. Jeptha Berengar was escorted to the feast by the king’s guard. It was apparent that he did not wish to attend the festivities. 

He was cleared of his accusations and awarded handsomely. 

From the view of the castle walls, it was apparent he turned the tide of the battle single handedly not once, but two times, for a people that had driven him away just over a year prior.

He was given a lavish place in La Longi proper. 

Some say it was built with the stones that were thrown at him by his accusers.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

1 thought on “Brothers Campfire The End Of The Beginning-An Ongoing Tale Chapter 111

  1. herbthiel says:

    “When someone throws stones at you, build something with them.”

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