Brothers Campfire The Campfire -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 5

Good morning! You are welcome to a cup of coffee. The fire was low but not out.

The Bard was up late and quite a few Forest People chanted and sang at the Campfire. 

The king sent several soldiers this morning. He has ordered me to familiarize them with the area and put them on the work roster. They escorted in several wheeled carts with supplies. Something is going on that is bigger than taking convicts out of the community.

Northwich was a village prior to my arrival. There were places that the trees and stumps had been removed to plant crops. We planted squash and pumpkin this year. Winter wheat and garlic will be planted soon.

There are unruly grapevines and a few apple trees. These are a project and not a reliable source of food. Perhaps I can send for a cider press to process the apples.

Living out here on the frontier is changing me. I am not as worried about the politics of the Kingdom. While I am a Freedman, it is not without its obligations. 

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

4 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire The Campfire -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 5

  1. Herbert C Thiel says:

    It would appear to me, on the surface at least, that his majesty wants to keep tabs on you.

  2. Benjamin says:

    I am loyal to the king and the Land of La Longi.

    Have you decided to stay in the village of Northwich?

    The Brother

    1. herbthiel says:

      Thank you for your kind offer. I am content at the haus where I am in the village of Strat on the Moor.

  3. Mr Gnome (Etal) says:

    Sounds like you have found gnome sweet gnome. Yet the wheels of society keep turning.s

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