Brothers Campfire The Backyard Began!

Hello Friends!

Today was a day of epic breakfast! I had the opportunity to eat homegrown duck eggs and sourdough bread! 

Another Legendary Breakfast!

We opted for the appropriate choice of  live streaming churchand had a wonderful service in our living room! 

You Can Listen Here!

After church I took my Beloved for a ride in my candy apple red one wheeler. 

Then we…

Built a fortress, 

Played some sweet tunes outside,

Yeah, Outside!

Put clothes on the line, 

Rose to new heights, 

This was fun to put up!

And busted some stuff. (Picture not included)

Lunch was Supreme Hot Dogs, broccoli, and noodles to get us through the day.

Hot Dogs Are At A Premium Right Now!

After Lunch, it was time to plant some additional spring crops. I planted turnips and beets.

Here, Is The Gaurd Of The Garden!

Of course, I needed to use the treasure found in an earlier post!

As the author of Brother’s Campfire, it had better only take one try!

The day is not yet over! We will see what it brings!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

50 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire The Backyard Began!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Yes it was! And Is! The day is only half through! You are welcome to listen to the streaming!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Indeed! There may be a second installment! By the way, can you suggest a settlement name for my story, like Cassa Bassa? I will be expanding soon.

  1. Benjamin says:

    I need names for towns in my ongoing story. You hang out with me pretty often. Would you be willing to suggest one?

    1. Cassa Bassa says:

      Bogga Wogga (bogga=exclamation of extreme excitment…Wogga- just a catchy sound)

          1. Cassa Bassa says:

            It’s know for its natural high energy, enthusiastic residents and dry sense of humour. And perhaps they love barbecue steaks

  2. Lydia Potter says:

    All that food look so good!
    Busted some stuff? Yikes!
    Oh, wow! I got rides in those one wheelers back in the old days!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thanks , Oishmortal! Your music is amazing! Up next, the second half of our Sunday!!!

  3. gifted50 says:

    Looks like a grand time, love the lighter, life on the hedge, lol.

    1. Benjamin says:

      I found it! Full of fluid! We did have a great time. Wish you were here!

        1. Benjamin says:

          I did! I have a second post for the rest coming out soon! I hope you enjoy it as well!

  4. leendadll says:

    That breakfast looks amazing!!! I would have duck eggs now but I didn’t find out the farmer’s market had reopened till just after closing time.

    YAY for so much fun!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ducks need lots of fresh water or there is a “tangy” tast to them. I get excited because they are homegrown! My eggs were normal on this run.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ha ha! It was hard to get up this morning! We were tired from all the playing and working!!!

  5. Kelsie Lou says:

    It’s so refreshing to read your blog. I’m glad you and your lovely are enjoying the outdoors during this unusual time in our world right now.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Kelsie! Apparently there is a meme where a family is using technology in their living room and the caption says “everyday living” The second picture says, ” Life with Corona” and the family is pictured playing outside. I hope we are the latter all the time! Thank you for stopping by the Campfire, Friend!

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