Brothers Campfire The April Fool, Wendy’s, Everest, Mesmerizing, Mismatched.

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

My April fool’s prank did not go as anticipated. Several days ago, I asked my future supervisor what I should wear on my first day. I found the most ridiculous things I could mismatch and had to frown hard so as not to laugh.

I was actually surprised at the response.

April Fool’s prank was foiled with practical supervisory sensibilities. Oh well, there is always next year.


The moment of truth came and I woke up bright and early for my new job assignment. I went to wash my face to find that it was me who was the April Fool.

That freaky faucet startled me a little, and I found little sets of eyes on the shampoo, mirror, light switches, everything. My children were asleep all night I am sure, so who knows where they came from. I am positive they would NEVER prank anyone.

The perk of it all was and it may have influenced my clothing choices for the better.

Scared Straight By The Faucet Monster.

After getting ready, I had a few moments to drink some coffee and checked my phone. How was I to know Glassdoor would offer me the opportunity of a lifetime?

I may have to reconsider this new role for prosperous persuits post haste. I may even learn a little about cooking there.

It is tough. When I committed to work for my new boss, I gave my word.

Agggh, the struggle is real, folks. Wendy or the new job assignment?

All joking aside, my first day was incredible and I learned a LOT. I am very pleased with my current situation and if there was any validity to my frown, it is gone.

While there are comparisons and many aspects of this job I have done elsewhere, I have so much more to learn. Most everyone in the industry says it will take six months to a year to get this down.

I am driven to master my job….yesterday.

However, those that know my nature are telling me to relax. When I get focused on a task, I don’t want to.

Even Clean Memes knew to give me sound advice before my first day.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

44 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire The April Fool, Wendy’s, Everest, Mesmerizing, Mismatched.

  1. Beverly says:

    Hallelujah!!! 👏👏👏. So happy for you!!!

  2. Beverly says:

    You’re welcome! 🙌

  3. rue202 says:

    Lol, my April fools prank didn’t go as planned either

      1. rue202 says:

        Yeah, sorry about that, have been having a lot on, life tends to do that to me for some reason *shrugs*

        And my prank was to take photos of some scenes from a TV series my boyfriend loves and edit them to make them look silly, but unfortunately, I edited it a little too much, so he didn’t know what it was from and I had to explain it and he was like “Oh, okay”.

          1. rue202 says:

            Getting an extra shift at work and going to visit some friends and relatives the week after this week

  4. kagould17 says:

    Love the faucet eyes. Glad your first day went well. Have a great weekend. Allan

    1. Benjamin says:

      I work in the same prison but in another department as a Volunteer Coordinator.

    1. Benjamin says:

      I think I may consider this. Frosties are a weakness for me.

  5. Omatra7 says:

    Hahaha this post made me laugh almost the entire time 😄❤️ you are so funny

    I’m glad you having fun and enjoying life 🙌

      1. Omatra7 says:

        Thank you 😊 you and your family do the same 🐣

        Happy Easter 🐣

  6. Mr. Ohh's Sideways View says:

    Man!! You must be good!! No job site ever suggested I should work at Wendy’s. Some guys have all the luck. I know you already signed on with your boss but you should still consider this option.

    Spend today laughing

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