Hello, Benjamin here!
Everyone has an opportunity to speak at the Campfire. You are welcome to a cup of coffee as dark as my duty boots to wet your whistle afterwards. Dark, Bitter.

For the less adventurous, I have chia, Bengal and chocolate pepermint tea.
As for voices at the fire, my apologies for (not to) Mother Theresa from Meta Finance Trade yesterday. I did not delete or block her voice in the comments and perhaps I should have. It just goes against the grain to moderate too heavily. There is a quote attributed to Aesop I find fitting.
Those who cry the loudest are not always the ones who are hurt the most

LinkedIn agrees that the behavior of this company representative has been inappropriate on LinkedIn as well.

Standing up against bullying of all types is a lifestyle choice for me. Meta Finance Trade is one that will steal from you. They use difficult to trace crypto currencies to invest in unregulated offshore accounts.
Source Source Yet Another Source
Ask yourself how many victim prone folks you know that got swindled out of something, particularly cash.

It is hard to confront a bully, but it is a necessary part of a civil society free of tyrants.
Earlier in the year, I presented the Northwich Warrior tag to those who spoke out against fear or bullying in a blog post.

Perhaps I should hand out more of these tags to encourage it.

As evidenced by my like versus page view ratio, yesterday’s post was thoroughly read and liked a lot less than my normal posts. I am comfortable with this and I can explain the psychology of this with my pets.
These are my ducks.

They are wary of the dog because she is capable of eating them.

While I have witnessed her kill several squirrels with ease and without remorse, she protects the ducks and geese. The birds don’t understand that she dutifully keeps predators out of the yard.

While my dog has a strong craving for the chase and eating meat, her instincts are overridden by the instinct to protect. Her breed is rightfully named Australian Shepherd. She is ever watchful of her flock.
This concept is not mine, but author Dave Grossman’s. I accept his comparison of Sheepdogs Vs Wolves and made it relevant to my back yard and way of life.
Friends, I think of myself as a sheepdog in some ways. It is in my nature to be protective and bark when I see wrongdoing and manipulation.
Boo That Fear.
Great, you are very creative 👌
Thanks! How is Purtugal?
Good job, as always.
Thank you!
A mess with the pandemic
Well, we will pray it slows down. Carla, are you on LinkedIn?
No Benjamin, I only have Instagram and Facebook
Fair. What industry do you work in?
Well I work at a hospital, but right now I am at home because of this pandemic
I wpuld think a hospital would have shortages of workers.
Yes but I belong to a group of risk so I must stay at home
Oh. Well in the meantime, Post Post Post!
Yes, yes yes 😁😁😁this is what I want to do for the rest of my life… Perhaps publish a book 😊😊😊😊😁😁😁
It took me almost a year to write 80,000 words for the Bard, Beast, and Brother. It was not published, but it has given me the confidence to think it is possible. What would ypur book be about?
Why didn’t you publish it?
Well if you read the articles on my blog you will find out… I want to write about experiences of life, how we can be positive and push ourselves to go further, do you understand? 😁
I already wrote it as a blog post and it needs to be brand new for publishing. I work very hard to read your posts, but google translate does one paragraph at a time on WordPress and it is very tedious to read thoroughly.
Sounds like you have a great plan!
I hope so Benjamin… I truly hope so!!!
Well amen
Well glory
When I was with the police … we have a HUGE retirement community in my area… you have no idea how many times they were swindled … I got to know many from both being with police and golf course… so they would always come to me and ask me if this is normal / it usually wasn’t … and no the IRS does NOT call you and threaten to arrest you if you owe taxes and don’t pay immediately – I repeat they do NOT call and threaten to arrest you!! – but people fear… also if someone comes to your door claiming to be from the county or the city – ask for their credentials … they will all have county/state ID and should be able to provide you with information you can check with the county, state or city to make sure is legit… so many scams target the elderly!!! It’s heartbreaking!!
I saw one who lost thousands … these scammers are sometimes overseas… if that’s the case they won’t ever see that money again
And these elderly come from a different time period… when you could trust people and many do not know technology. Is all very overwhelming to them.
Shame on people trying to take advantage of others!!! Very very sad
I am protector also!!
You are a protector. You are a good one at that. This company and others immediately tried to connect with bots and fake accounts as soon as I opened a LinkedIn account. What made this personal to me was that I tried for several days to help one fix a login issue only to have them try to get me to use my phone for their personal use. This was way creepy as I try to extend myswlf online in a helpful way. In a way, I was partially scammed as my kindness was thought of as weakness. I consider myself to be particularly strong minded. What about those that are not? We have to look out for them. It’s what sheepdogs do.
Something similar actually happened to one of my police guys a few years ago 😮
That is creepy – and sad we live in a world that some have no kindness
I am also strong minded and kind lol ✌️😊 always looking out for others
Yes you are!
Awesome as always👏🏻👏🏻
Thanks! How is Soni Cool ?
Too good… Thank you😃😃 and how is the great benjamin from Brothers campfire.. hope all fine 😃😃
All is well! Back to work today! Are you LinkedIn?
No… I m not in linkdin… Only in fb, insta…
No problem. Soni Cool is connected…. at the Campfire!🤠🔥
I wish more people reported financial scams, shady holistic ads and life coaches. These are literally the gutters of capitalism.
Perhaps I could start selling capitalism gutters on the side. Love it!