Brothers Campfire Shepherds Crook Man-An Ongoing Tale Chapter 10

I have given further direction to fortify the camp. An extra watch has been placed in rotation. 

It has been brought to my attention that a lot of things are coming up missing.

There have likely been thieves slipping through our watch. This needs to stop.

After this morning, I have had enough. 

It is starting to make sense now. 

Last week, a thin man with a balding head and nondescript clothing came to camp. 

He did not have anything with him other than a long shepherds crook.

The Man with the Shepherds Crook is welcome here. It was so calm when he came by.

He had words of wisdom I did not fully comprehend. He asked about an old stone building that used to be a place of worship and offered to purchase it. I informed him that at this point, he could utilize the structure.

I have been directed and encouraged to develop this area economically using my own judgement. I believe he will be a fine addition to Northwich. 

When we met, the Man with a Shepherds Crook spoke of thieves. 

He said they go around attacking the weak. They do not directly attack. 

I did not pay much attention until it faced it. These thieves thought that I was weak.

I was surprised when he told me to send armed men out to completely destroy the thieves on sight. After this morning, I understand the intense hatred he has for the thieves. 

He believes an example needs to be made and I agree with him. I will listen to the wisdom of this man. I have already sent several scouts to look around. So far, not much has been seen other than a few tracks.

I will leave the kettle of coffee out and I have added logs to the fire. 

I am off to work with the scouts. I want to help locate these brigands and thieves and stop this.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

4 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Shepherds Crook Man-An Ongoing Tale Chapter 10

  1. herbthiel says:

    There is something familiar about this man. I may have met him in my travels. If it is the same man, his wisdom and advice are solid. I worry about your settlement, though. Could it be that you have a leak somewhere?

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank You! I imagine you know who the Man With The Shepherd’s Crook Is!

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