Brothers Campfire on Shady Campsites and Clayfaced Women

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

Camping is a favorite pastime and I am planning a trip with my father, my nephew, and my son for Father’s Day.

There has been a lot of winter camping in my life and so campsite selection will be a little different this year. Typically, I select the sunniest spot near a lot of firewood, but this year’s selection will be shady.

Sunny Areas Are Great For Winter Camping

It is good for us to get out every once in a while. There is something about the mountains and the outdoors that brings a sense of excitement and adventure.

I asked the 12 year veteran of life what he wanted to bring along to eat for the trip and the list was a mix of junk food and basic cooking ingredients. We are cooks, no doubt about it and I was proud of him for thinking of things like oatmeal, eggs, and chicken.

Years of institutional cooking has made me a junk food snob. I like things made from the base material and prepackaged food is cringeworthy. I love to cook and bake.

Homegrown Delicious

With the company I keep, this will be impractical. We will be running and gunning all day and all night and the time for cooking will be limited.

There will be a large group of like-minded folk and I look forward to it.

My Beloved will have a great time as well. She will be out hosting a few lady’s nights doing things like shopping, clipping each other’s toenails, and smearing clay on faces.


I understand these things to be important to women, but I can not conceptualize the enjoyment.

What are your Summer plans?

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

36 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire on Shady Campsites and Clayfaced Women

  1. kinge says:

    It sure sounds like an exciting adventure and a great plan.

  2. kagould17 says:

    Sounds like a perfect Father’s Day Benjamin. Not sure what is happening here yet. My Dad is long departed and my son my be conspiring with his Mom, but, so far, mum’s the word. Just sitting out on the back deck in muggy conditions hearing the approaching thunderstorm. Kinda neat, actually. Have a great adventure. Allan

    1. Benjamin says:

      Allen, I am sure your father was a fine man and you passed your awesomeness to your son. Happy Fathers Day in advance!

      1. kagould17 says:

        He was that and thanks for the compliment. I see a lot of me in my son, as he is a hands on kind of son who likes to solve problems and build things. Take care. Allan

    1. Benjamin says:

      Way cool, Paltry Sum. It is good to know you are getting out and about.

  3. Geoff Stamper says:

    Have a grand time. Our family will spend some time at Big Lake this summer where we can see each other in person for a change.

  4. leendadll says:

    I plan to do homework despite a lack of enthusiasm and a house so hot that I sweat profusely.

    Have a great time on your adventure! I figure the tradeoff for prepared food paks is not having to carry raw ingredients.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Stay as cool as you can! I am ok with the prepackaged for a few days!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you! Have you ever done clay treatments? If so, what are they like?

  5. Petra says:

    Haha yes, we ladies like that from time to time, although I don’t do the group thing, I like it by myself.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Way cool. I was inspired by you to refine clay gathered from a creek. It has been a lot of fun!

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