I'll have to look. If memory serves, he was a minor feature on the Yogi Bear show and I couldn't find a lot of clips of him. He was real scrappy in his own right and didn't always seem to realize he could be that way because Chopper was there.
Well, as their personalities emerge you may find some more appropriate names, but you could start with Lucky, Plucky and Disco. I used to like Yakky Doodle. He had this big bulldog for a friend. When the fox would try to eat him, the dog would throttle him and say in kind of a bronx accent, "You shouldn't oughta see this, Yakky." And proceed to pummel the fox.
You came awful close if you didn't. I didn't look it up either. I just happened to be reading Charlie Daniels blog, called Soap Box and they were talking about this being the 40th anniversary of the song, In America. "...We’ll all stick together, and you can take that to the bank. That’s the cowboys and the hippies and the rebels and the yanks!..."