Brothers Campfire Poshy Marks, Tooth Pain, Sugary Tarts, Sand With The Grain

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here with a message.

Time changes are awful and must be stopped. I got up inordinately early yesterday and was way too tired at bedtime. I was so tired I began brushing my teeth with this.

That was a wake-up call for sure. It took forever to brush the taste out!

This morning was just as bad and I slept in until 7 AM. That is very late for me. I was productive though and shared 1000 Poshmark clothing items for my Beloved in less than 40 minutes.

Her Poshmark Closet

Then my daughter wanted to take some photos and go to the bank. It was a good day for pictures.

It was not a good day to go to the bank. They opened late due to the weather. Observe the road and you can tell me about the weather, at least where I live. There was a very long line.

Today was a very special day as she got her first checking account.

She had amazing priorities and her first purchase was sugary goodness for the Twelve Year Veteran of life.

After I took her home, I picked up the Twelve Years Veteran and we went to Harbor Freight to pick up a belt sander. They did not have any in stock and refused to order one even if I paid upfront. We purchased a ball peen hammer and went on our way.

We went home disappointed as we had saved up a while to pick one up. When I got home, We had an appointment with a notary to sign documents for refinancing our home. We got a screaming deal and we are thankful.

After a yummy dinner of dressed up beans and rice,

I ordered a belt sander online. We will see how it goes.

We still had some daylight, so the Twelve Year Veteran got some welding steel and cut it up with an angle grinder for future use when the sander arrives.

Well, that is all for now. Tomorrow, we have a welding class!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

62 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Poshy Marks, Tooth Pain, Sugary Tarts, Sand With The Grain

  1. herbthiel says:

    Good day! How generous to think of the first thing she wanted to do was something nice for her brother. I’m really disappointed with Harbor Freight. I wonder what the bone in their throat was.

    1. Benjamin says:

      I don’t know. I paid a few dollars more and got a little better one with a warranty. Harbor Freight told me I could wait and see if one showed up on the truck. That is a silly practice.

  2. singingandsauerkraut says:

    I’ve never heard of banks opening latd because of the weather! Either stay closed altogether or open on time but opening late is super random 😂

    1. Benjamin says:

      It was pretty random. I went to the website of the bank before I went as well!

  3. Beverly says:

    My vote is to do away with time changes!! I overslept yesterday and my sleep pattern is still off. Sorry about the hair gel…🤢

    I am so happy for her! Her first checking account…wow. Congrats to her! 👏👏 And to make her first purchase for brother….not surprised, she is an amazing blessing! 😁

    1. Benjamin says:

      It was hard to wake this morning as well! That os what coffee is for!.

      Yes, she is a sweetheart!

      1. Beverly says:

        Same here. Yes! ☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️😁

        Yes she is!!!

    2. Beverly says:

      And Hallelujah on the refinancing of the house victory report! 👏👏 Romans 8:28

    1. Benjamin says:

      I wasn’t that great. I will have a LOT of practice coming!

  4. Omatra7 says:

    You are alive 🙌 lol … how was that storm?! Exciting?

    I see you have survived lol 👏

    1. Benjamin says:

      The storm was basically nonexistent. I hear North Springs and Denver got a lot of snow. Ours is nearly melted.

      1. Omatra7 says:

        😄😄😄 🙄 weather people … when it’s not a big deal they make you think the sky is falling 😮

        And when it’s really bad they said would be nothing lol

        They do that to us constantly here in California lol 🙄

        I look at the forecast – and then half listen because they are never spot on lol ✌️😄

        Well sorry you didn’t get to make snowman figures of your family lol (that would have been really cute!!) especially if everyone made their own – that would be adorable … next time maybe 🙏

        1. Benjamin says:

          Yeah, to me it was a little quick melting mush. Soggy snow angels with a little mud anyone?🤠🔥

          1. Omatra7 says:

            😄😄 that just makes them more unique than the regular snowman lol … and essentially we are all unique so that works too lol 😄✌️

            I was worried you guys were gonna get pounded 😮 from the way they made it sound on the news 🤨🙄😄

          2. Benjamin says:

            I hear it both ways, but about a month ago it was way worse temperature and ice wise.

          3. Omatra7 says:

            Luckily it went well for your area!! 🙌

            I am off to get ready for work!! Have a great day and good luck on presentation – smash it!!

          4. Benjamin says:

            Thank you for the encouragement! I will be out the door in a few minutes myself!

    1. Benjamin says:

      I would say. It represented me accidentally brushing with hair gel.🤠🔥

  5. Cindy Georgakas says:

    funny first pic.. lol.. and experience. Your daughter looks so much like you! cute!!!💖

  6. windsofchange18 says:

    Beautiful day and that meal. I am once again hungry and now going to make this. Is there avocado on there? I love avocados? Oh, and I like your new toy. I hope it comes in soon. 😊

  7. -Eugenia says:

    What a wonderful day you had, except for the time change. I wish “they” would leave the time alone! In Georgia, US, where I live they are trying to pass a law to do away with the time change. I hope it goes through.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Hello! I rescued this from the spam folder! I hope the time change goes away altogether! I did have a wonderful day!

  8. leendadll says:

    Oh, man… not just any old hair gel but the one called Gorilla Snot. I think that’s a double punch from the gawds of mischief!!

    1. Benjamin says:

      It was gross, I will tell you that! I was really tired that day!

  9. Monika R. Martyn says:

    Fun read, hate the time change. Takes me six months to get used to. I take it you were just waiting for an opportunity to use ball peen hammer! (Married to a machinist).

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