Please Critique My Content

Hello, Benjamin from Brothers Campfire here!

I have a few things this morning. First of all, I wrote this a couple of years ago. Will you please critique and let me know if you would like content like this? I write these types of things privately.

As for private, Cassa Bassa asked about current YouTubes.

I am live streaming on my way to work. If you have notifications turned on for Brothers Campfire on YouTube, you can chat with me and I will respond on camera.

If they have good content worth seeing, I will post them here afterwards. This is not visible by YouTube, but rather exclusive to my favorite people!

This was live-streamed, and if a watcher commented, I would have spoken to them.

The other day was wildly successful. My parents were listening and I had seven other veiwers chatting with me. It was pretty nifty. This is the channel to get notifications on.

I like the personal feel of blogging and fostering relationships. I do not wish to be a viral YouTuber. I learned that the hard way a while back. One of my videos circulated through work and it actually did me a disservice when it came to being taken seriously.

Unliisted Example For This Morning

Those that are serious about seeing a more rounded-out version of me can stop by Brothers Campfire and take the time to read.

Well, I am swamped with work and need to be there early. I will see you all soon!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

34 thoughts on “Please Critique My Content

  1. douryeh says:

    I am a poetry and journal reader rather than a fiction reader. Perhaps because that’s quickly read.

      1. douryeh says:

        Good, interesting contrast between your prose and poetry. I’d say, you can do both. Perhaps some more white space between paragraphs and you’re ready. Good read 💛

  2. Thattamma C.G Menon says:

    Very nice and awesome post 🌷🙏♥️the eyes you painted wonderful 👍🏻🌷
    and written lines also nice to read 😍👍🏻 All The Best 👏🌷

  3. elvira797mx says:

    Hi Bejamin! I couldt’t be at the time, for chating, sorry.
    Great share, thank’s! I love your ceramic, good desings.
    Have a relaxing time!
    Keep well.

  4. Cassa Bassa says:

    I have personalised my YouTube notification now. I worked out how to do it. Will see…

  5. Cassa Bassa says:

    What I meant was I don’t read stories when they are ‘long’ like 3 paragraphs. It’s just me.

  6. Monika Jeneva says:

    Those are the most humongous eyes EVER! I’m having trouble with my internet connection. It must be jet lag or culture shock.

  7. Adelheid says:

    It’s honestly well written. The Barbarian beekeeper made me smile, though. 😊 As for the YT videos, whenever I have time, I get to watch it. But I’d just like to say, please be careful while driving. Stay safe, my friend!

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