Hello Friends!
Here at Willow Manor Urban Farm, we are waiting patiently for 14 Khaki Cambell ducks and a male goose. They are due May 11th, and we are excited for the arrival! I currently have an African goose, and four ducks, two of them males, otherwise known as drakes. With a healthy (and expensive) diet, they have been quite productive.

While the males are not particularly profitable and eat a lot, the ladies enjoy the company for the most part. In my observations, the female will jump in the water and splash everywhere, then stop and give a drake one of those ” sly looks.”
This typically happens when the water is very fresh.

I have noticed that when the ducks are not “making sport” with one another, they are more productive. I separated the boys from the girls and egg production skyrocketed. Fights in the yard became nonexistant and the drakes started talking politics and fishing. Occasionally, they looked at the ladies, but they were worried about other duck related concerns.

To gain the perspective of the female ducks during this period of separation, I consulted an expert to assist me in writing what one of my girl ducks was really thinking. ….
I present to you a short entry from the diary of a female duck. Enjoy!

“Little things mean alot to me right now. Like being able to clean up all my down because I have enough space. I can fluff my nest. I can prepare for dinner and make food without worrying if it is my kitchen time and waiting for “him” to finish. “
“It’s awesome that I have privacy to use the bathroom and have enough space for my girly stuff. I can keep the water clean and see my reflection. A girl has needs.”
“I’ve lived without little normal things so long. I was forgetting what “normal” was. I felt sick last week but I realized I wasn’t eating. I was too anxious. I feel better now. I got healthy food. Lots of veggies 🙂 “
Thanks for reading! Be sure to give a shout out to the female duck who shared her innermost thoughts! Have a beautiful day!
Love the post but your morph pic is scary!
Should I take it down?
No way!!
Oh good!
This is a great perspective. 👍
Thank you!
Good job, girly duck!
Love the post. And yummy duck🦆🦆🦆🦆
Duck eggs are tasty if they have fresh water! Thanks for stopping by!
This was funny 😄
Thank you! Was it accurate?
Hahaha, sounds pretty accurate to me 😄😄
Thank you, Friend!
With the photo, you have enough courage to wait for the ducks. It will not occur to you to bury the peak!
You are going to have an excellent farm. Unique and personal. The photos are great.
Manuel from Chile
Thank you Manuel! I appreciate your encouragement. I pray you have a blessed, fruitful day in the land of poets!
Thank you very much. I appreciate your wishes and I hope you are well too.
A big hug
A warm hug to you as well sir! Be safe out there!
Awesome! this was so fun to read, Ben, I really love your ‘Duck Tales’. And the lady duck was right on, a girl needs some time 😉
Lovely post
I consulted an expert in female duck speak. I bet they were spot on!
It looks they did an amazing job 😍❤️
Ha ha! I am glad you enjoyed it!
Like your meaning about normal. Buddhist love to call it self restraint. This is tough.
Self restraint has it’s place. Thanks for the insight to your perspective! You are Looking sharp in th suit friend!
Hahaha I love the goose sly look 😁
Ducks are a little different than chickens in mannerisms. I enjoy watching how my birds interact with one another. 🤠🔥
Take good care of yourself Miss Duck. The farm yard needs you and you bring great joy to others 😊
Thanks for giving a shout out to them! I will pass it on!
Cool, but ewwwwwwwwwwww you!
Are you talking about the picture?
I think I look like the wise old owl from Winnie the Pooh. No?
You know what!? You do!!!!!!!! That is funny!!!!!!! And I like owls, but not on you
Fair enough. I will refrain for a while from doing so.
I hope you don’t mean that
Wait… So you like the owl look?
Yes! I LOVE the owl look
Who Who… I am an owl.
*hits my face*
Don’t harm yourself!
It’s spelled “hoot hoot” silly! Not “who who”
Did not want anything misconstrued.
A hoot is defined as someone or something that is funny and entertaining. An example of a hoot is a child who tells silly jokes. The definition of a hoot is defined as not much, the littlest bit. An example of a hoot is the expression, “I don’t give a hoot.” Hoot means the sound of an owl or a similar tone.
Oh please
No problem!
Whom! Whom!
That’s the car horn honking.
No, the car goes Vroom Vroom
Maybe in the west, but not down in the south.
putt putt?
No, that’s a game
I am glad you liked it!