Brothers Campfire Northwich Warrior Awards-An Ongoing Tale Chapter 103


Nicholas, Town Watch here.

Today, I will be presenting a few awards. 

As you know, fear is our biggest enemy.

Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of rejection…. The list goes on. 

Only those that face their fears, vices and addictions and write about it have been considered for the distinct honor of membership to the Northwich Warrior Society.

Are You Up To The Task?

Here are my nominations.

The Storytellers Grandmother

Recently, She took a fall that required medical followup. When Sunday came, there was no time to feel sorry for herself. She was adamant that it was time for church! I am proud of her for setting the bar high for us youngsters.

She was unable to write about it so I, Nicholas, did so with my skilled hand.

The Storyteller’s Grandmother

Here are the others

Susie Stays in shape so she can care for her husband. She has done so for over 40 years! A fighting spirit in the face of adversity is an example for us all!

MEDAL AWARDED. Great Job Soldier!

Quitters Win Is a blog dedicated to the “Encouragement for brave folks on the journey of change and recovery.” He has influenced countless others.

MEDAL AWARDED. Great Job Soldier!

Tony Burgess has gone 3 weeks without using Facebook. His personal goal of getting away from it is commendable. 

MEDAL AWARDED. Great Job Soldier!

Rhonda At Finding Me wrote about her past and how it no longer will hold her back from being who she wants to be. Great Job! She has proudly posted!

MEDAL AWARDED. Great Job Soldier!

A.S. My Bubble proudly displays her banner and has not only written about overcoming fears that hold her back, but frequently gives guidance to others in her comment section .

MEDAL AWARDED. Great Job Soldier!

With this status, they can proudly display this banner and nominate others. I recommend that you actively seek out those that are worthy of this distinction and award them.

If there is anyone you would lile me to nomimate, please leave a comment below.


Northwich Watch

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

18 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Northwich Warrior Awards-An Ongoing Tale Chapter 103

  1. ellie894 says:

    Great Job Soldier! 😊
    All well deserved!
    Hugs especially to Grandmother 🤗

  2. bigskybuckeye says:

    I have been following Susie’s blog for some time. She is an amazing inspiration.

  3. A.S. says:

    Great job soldier! These are some amazing people. My regards to your grandmother.
    Cheers from a Northwich Warrior 🙂

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