Brothers Campfire Northwich Warrior Awards -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 151


Form Ranks! 

Today, we present the prestigious 

Northwich Warrior Award.

I am Commander Nicholas, Northwich Watch.

Commander Nicholas
Is Not To Be Trifled With

This honor is only bestowed upon those that have faced their fears and wrote about it. 

Baldwin Mailer,
Brother’s scribe

I see Baldwin Mailer has a question. 

One second…….

No Baldwin, this is Not Chainmail.

Play on words….. Nevermind

Those that are selected can proudly place the Northwich Warrior Banner on their Website. 

There is no requirement to nominate someone or answer questions.

However, If you see a post of someone who is standing up for themselves or fighting an obstacle of any kind, recruit them to the cause and by all means present this banner.

We Need Able Bodied Warriors, not pushovers. This Award Is Not For Everyone.

To accept your award, all you need to do is display the banner on a post and say why you earned it. 

Pretty Simple. Here are the recipients.


(Once You Leave Brother’s Campfire, I cannot control content)

Neha Nandwana has her own words for facing fear. Welcome to the Northwich Warrior Society.

Claudia seeks a warrior in her life and describes herself as one. Welcome, Claudia.

Cherie White is committed to speaking out against abuse and bullying. Her website is full of advice about handling troublesome events.

You Stand Tall among the Warriors, Cherie.

Kent has created a mission statement to face his addiction. Maintain this strength and be numbered with the Elite!

Crystal sees fear as a learned behavior. She expresses her way of facing it. Welcome to the Northwich Warrior Society!

Ryan C does not believe in backing up or down in the spirit of his belief system and of his country. Welcome, Ryan.

Jason tells us in depth his journey to face his fear of the darkness. Great job, Jason!

If you would like to be considered for membership to the Northwich Warrior Society, contact me with a link to how you faced a fear.

In the words of Baldwin Mailer,

Boo That Fear!

Boo That Man-An Ongoing Tale Chapter 107

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

18 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Northwich Warrior Awards -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 151

  1. Neha nandwana says:

    Thank you so much dear 😇 💝💝 it’s an honor for me. I love the way you encourage other ones💐💐 God bless you

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