Brothers Campfire Northwich Warrior Awards -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 128

Attention! I am Commander Nicholas.

Commander Nicholas

As many of you know, 

I am stoutly against, fear, oppression, and addiction. 

Recently, we broke the siege of La Longi led by Lord Rainport facing minions and other creatures of darkness. We sent them fleeing to the realm they came from.

Our Fears

We mean business when it comes to fighting fear.

My soldiers fight as one and I seek out only the finest warriors in my battle against the enemy.

Fear comes in many forms and has many faces. Today, I would like to recognize the following warriors that. Have stood against fear.

They are eligible to proudly display the Northwich Warrior banner on their site as they see fit.

Susi Bocks stands up against bullying. Her writing encourages others to stand.

Mia writes her homework assignments online for the world to see. This takes courage.

The Eclectic Writer is deep with the grim reality of life. She is ever vigilant against abuse and writes against it.

Glitzy Ritzy Mommy surprised me with poetry about being loosed from the grip of fear.

Herb Thiel found it necessary to let go of his anxiety and soldier forward

There are pitfalls, traps and dangers. As commander of the 16, and head of Northwich Watch, I will warn of danger and pass on intelligence as necessary.

In the words of Baldwin Mailer, Emerson’s scribe,

“Boo that fear!”

Congratulations to the recipients of this honor.


Northwich Watch

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

21 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Northwich Warrior Awards -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 128

  1. The Eclectic Writer says:

    I can’t tell you what an honor that is! Ty so much Brother. I will wear your banner with pride and honor!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Copy and paste it! Display with pride! You stand tall among the warriors!

  2. glitzyritzymommy says:

    I am so very honored and humbled and grateful! Thank you so very much for this I wear this with the utmost gratitude 💖💖💖

    1. Benjamin says:

      Wear the banner with pride! Keep fighting, Northwich Warrior!

    1. Benjamin says:

      If you would like, you can go to the site and copy the Northwich Eagle and put it on your site. If you go to my actual site there should be a way to download the image. If you have difficulty, contact me and I will send you the graphic.

        1. Benjamin says:

          You are welcome! When you decide to use your new badge, leave a link here so I can see!

  3. Ishaan Sharma says:

    I personally think fear is needed. When you block your enemy’s strike, it is because you are afraid of being struck. When you go in the forest and come out alive, its cause your fear of being attacked kept you cautious. When you don’t go jumping off cliffs, its cause you’re afraid of heights. When an ethical man doesn’t do something wrong, its cause he is afraid of hurting someone.
    But if your fear stops you from fulfilling your dreams, then…

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