Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!
I was recently notified that my comments are not working for everyone on the WordPress Application.
This frustrates me mightily as Ashton is sitting around stressing about Yara while I try to figure out the problem.

Art by Zahra
Fortunately, I have a really great group of folks that read my blog and let me know about it.
If you find it in your heart, Let me know if the comments are still not working by sending me an email on my contact page with the error message so I can send it to WordPress.
Contact Us
I appreciate it very much!
Now, typically I have a story around a Campfire.

This portable campfire “go log” is 4 USD.
It is real wood and has a twine handle, all natural and kiln dried. Like the comment concern, this log frustrated me to no end for some reason. Perhaps I should give classes on building fires and put these silly products out of business.

Well, we will hope Brother’s Campfire will see brighter days soon!

I did all the steps they advised. I think it’s a problem with WP Reader because I am still having the problem as well. Sorry.
Thanks for the assistance! I wanted to make sure that if my readers were having the came problem, they are not alone!
This is a comment posted from the WP Reader.
Way Cool! Perhaps It Will Work Now! We Will Soon See!
That one was from when I clicked the link to your story from the main reader page. It was on the Reader, not the little sidebar thingy. I’m using the little sidebar thingy for this comment.
That works as well from your login. Perhaps it is fixed. I hope so. Poor Ashton is worried about einvigi and is chomping at the bit to respond to Zahra about courage.
Ashton sounds like he needs help!
Indeed! I am glad you comment worked! How else will I learn about nature online! http://Www.Bcwritehome.wordpress.com
Yes, i aGree with you. Even my comments sometimes work and sometimes moving to bloggers spam section… I dnt get error but it just doesnt show off in their comment section.. i m not sure whether this comment would reach you or not…
This Comment Reached Me All The Way From https://sonibindaas571181659.wordpress.com/
That is way cool, Soni 😎 ! I appreciate the support! 🤠🔥
Whoooo Hoooo.. looks like we’re back up and running and back to more stories soon. 👏❤️🤗
BRAVO!!! ❤️ Cindy
Yay! …wait…. Up and running? I have work to do in that area!
Yes, stories it is! 326 words in!
Yes… I mean I can comment. 👏👏👏👏.
oh boy.. will look forward to it!!! ❤️👏
🤠🔥Way nifty! I need to find some healthy alternatives to offer you at the Campfire. Currently I only have hot dogs and marshmallows!!!!! Grab a stick and roast either! Someone will eat it! 🤠🔥
LOL!!!! I’ll eat the marshmallow, skip the dog. However, chicken apple sausage will do.. I’m no purist and hot chocolate please. Ready to sing and lern my Uke! ❤️🤗
I am getting a grocery list together now!
Do you sing or play? I am more than happy to use a recording for fun at the Campfire!
👍👍 I sing and pluck.. lol.. Aum shrim might not go over well or my surf all day which i’m practicing.. send the song and the cords and I’ll add it to my reputoir… lol 🤣
If I write a song with chords you will sing it then?
start writing and I’ll see… no promises. I like to be good.. lol
I got the words, but now chords. Shall I send them? (ornery Benjamin puts Cindy on the spot)
oh Lordy.. you are quick on the draw.. send em over
geez now I’m feeling pressure.. lol
Ha ha. I hear “G” is a good key for a Campfire!
good enough
Oh yah! I sent you a song I wrote. I will have to get with my daughter on chords, lol!
Oh YAY.. via email? lol… that’s funny. now i’m getting nervous.. lol
Don’t be. Feel Challenged! LoL!
🤣😹🤣 even my cat’s laughing
She is just tuning up her vocals.
You can sing a song awfully and I can incorporate it in my story.
I sing awfully well, i just can’t play worth sh–
Me as well. At least the ducks like my singing.
I know, right?
Now it is working I believe. Gosh so irritating it was. Happy Day 🙂
Happy Day it is Kritika! It is good to hear from you this fine day!🤠🔥
It is indeed. Same here 🙂
Let’s see if it works now, because it didn’t work for me before either. I had to comment from my browser like some kind of plebeian
Not a plebian browser comment! That is awful!
I know, I think I need an emotional support sandwich now.
🤠🔥 is that 2 Reeces peices with a marshmallow in the middle?
That’s acceptable.
Whew! Perhaps an Erratic Hat is in order as well. 😏How is your health?
Annoying but hopefully on the mend, thanks for asking. 🙂
Welcome back to the becommentable world! 🤭🤣
Thank You Zoewiezoe,
Makes me happy head to toe!
It seems to be working now.
I believe WP had a glitch
Thanks Ishaan! You are awesome!🤠🔥
You’re welcome sir!
Whoo-hoo! It seems to be working! 🥳
This is a comment sent from the WP Reader! 😇
I can’t wait to hear the rest of the story! 🙃
Yay! It works! I cannot wait to write it! 326 words in so far! Thank you Jasmine for making sure my comments were not broken.🤠🔥
Yayyy that is great! Can’t wait to hear more about Jasmine in your story! 😉😆
No problem!! 😇
Ha ha! We will see!
I am so happy finally my comments are reaching to you. I wonder what will happen to Ashton and yara 🤗☺️
Me as well! Especially since Zahra said that he lacked courage.
My comments weren’t working either the other day. Sending this to see if it goes through.
Beck, this one went through! I appreciate you stopping by and supporting me. As Yoda would say, Amazing you are!🤠🔥
You the second blogger that I’ve read that is having a problem with wordpress. The other one got so frustrated that she has decided to self host her blog.
Thank you David Green for commenting so I know this works. I am self hosted and that pleases me just fine. Unreliable communication is frustrating on the WordPress Reader. I appreciate your poems, friend!🤠🔥
Thank you I love to write them.
I also had another blog where I wanted to post on men’s rights. But none of the posts would show up on the men’ rights wall nor would they appear on the poetry or poems wall.
Wow. Do you thing there is an algorithm on the WordPress Reader that scans for such things? It is possible I suppose. Everything else has an algorithm.🤠🔥
Yes I believe they do. Because on a blog I had in the past I had trouble getting my post to show up on the wall where feminists rant and rage about men.
Do you have a similar post? I would be interested in reading it.
Its not easy
Living in a world of darkness filled
With hatred
To stay above
The fray of gender warfare – face
Down bigotry
Far too many
Fem fatales weild within their hand
A bloodly knife
Dripping with
The blood of an unborn child ripped
From her womb
Like mosquitoes
They whine about the tribe of men
Utterly unable
To see their true
Selves reflected back at them with
In their own mirror
Thank you for sharing your poetry at the Campfire. I get a little parched doing all the talking. 🤠🔥
Your welcome thank you for letting me post it.
BTW What Nightmares Are Made Of is a true story about me. 😱😊
Good to know!
It was a great read!
Thank you!
I also enjoy reading your stories. If you have Amazon Prime here are a couple of Vincent Price movies you might like – they are spoofs of the James Bond movies and are quite funny. They are:
Doctor Gold Foot and the Bikini Machine
Doctor Gold Foot and the Girl Bombs
Thanks for the recommendations!
Your Welcome!
Here’s the other poem I tried to post on the men’s rights wall:
Prisoners Of Women’s Dreams
For over a hundred years now
feminists have whined and complained
till the consciousness of the average woman was raised
powerless and enslaved she herself came to see
Yet all the while these femme fatales agitated
while men were still required to provide for them
even as they intentionally stole their jobs
ignoring that men are the prisoners of women’s dreams
Soon within the course of Father time
the fateful day will at last arrive
when the average man fully comprehends
the bill of goods sold to him
The shackles of marriage; the slavery of child support
that binds his soul and robs him blind
he’ll break and cast aside turning his back upon women
for only when he denies her the gift of his seed
Will a man stop being her slave becoming free at last!
Well, you were able to say it at the Campfire🤠🔥
On my computer it shows up as a paragraph but on my phone it shows that it posted correctly like I wrote it as a poem. Have a great day!
It posted correctly as far as I see.
I created a whole new blog and was able to get it to post on the Men’s Rights wall. Here is the link:
Way nifty! Thanks for sharing! I will check it out.
Ok 👍
Thanks for testing! I appreciate you. 🤠🔥
You can’t reinvent the wheel, but you can make a killing reinventing fire.
Slap a label on a log and call it good! Is that infringing on your writer’s block?
I don’t know, but I should really talk to my attorney and find out!
Tell you what, have your people call my people.
Sounds good.
Update. They are having their people call their people.
Ahh. Good to know.
Hugs for a calming and lovely update. Let’s see if this works…. (about to hit send…)
Hurray! 🎉🙌💛
Indeed! Thank you for the assistance!
Ah, you have become an emoji yogi I see. The force is strong in this one. :)) 😎👌🎉🙌
Ha ha! I am learning slowly!
It’s adorable. I sense you as being a very kind and hard-working person. Hugs again. :))
Ha ha! Thanks! (Blushes)
I’ve never liked those logs…actually, come to think about it, never bought any. As long as I have kindling, I can light almost anything. Even kept a fire going while it was raining, we needed the fire for dinner while camping.
Maybe we could team up and start a fire building course 🙂
A collaborative firemaking tutorial! If you make one, I will post it here!🤠🔥
🙂 I’m not much on videos, so we shall see!
Perhaps you can take pictures of the steps and describe what you are doing.
yeah, I could. I do it all the time! LOL 🙂
My comments were not working for two days and now it seems to be working !!
Nice story and waiting for what happens next !! 😀
Have a great weekend !! 🤗
I spoke with WordPress and the problem was on their end. It affected a lot of websites including yours from what I hear. It should be up and running now.
I am currently writing the story and I look forward to posting it! You have a beautiful day as well!
That’s great to hear they cleared up the problem !! Thank you friend !! 1🌹
Absolutely. Wanted to keep you in the loop!
Glad to hear !! 🙌
I’ve been having this issue with another user as well!!
Apparently It was fixed yesterday sometime. Did it happen today?
I haven’t tried reposting on their blog yet so I don’t know. Just been having the same issue so at least I know it isn’t an isolated issue…
WordPress asked me to refresh cache and try again. They also said the problem was on their end after all the troubleshooting. Poe Eternal, the last time I saw you was around a year ago. It is nice of you to drop by!
I don’t get out much. Creature of the underworld. 👍
Ha ha! Perhaps next late October!
I’ll try and drop by sooner! 😂
Sounds good.
Thanks for sharing the weekend story. As you see I am able to comment.
Thanks Tangie! Just got this! I appreciate you looking out! Have a beautiful day!
In vampire years, a day is like a year! 😂
In that case, I will see you tomorrow!
Just for the record I’m getting unknown token messages and I’m having to actually come to the page to drop the comment so something is still quirky.
Oh. Good to know, Thank you!
I passed this on to WordPress.
I had issues with WordPress in the past but it works now.
I am rolling now! Thanks for dropping by today! How are things?
All good..but can’t travel due to Covid
I am sorry.
Glad to connect with you. Your blogs look great! Will spend more time on your posts when I am free. 😊
I am glad to hear this! Likewise, Friend!
It only works when you visit your site. Just not in the reader.. Did, you make sure you turned discussions on tho?
Could you screenshot that menu and send it to me?
Dear Benjamin, Amazing narrative.
Thank You!