Hello Friends!
I started out my day with an excellent breakfast made by my beloved.

Having a few precious hours to get out, I went on a short hike amd found this red tailed halk skull.

I have an imagination that is sometimes out of control and pretented I was a hawk looking for field mice, rabbits and snakes.

Fortunately, No one saw me acting that way. I think.
Good week. 😀
Have a great week, Eleonor!
Ha ha! I pray things start looking up for you!
All in it’s own time. Thanks!!
Interesting. Were there any other remains? I wonder how it died?
The rest of his skeleton was nearby. Perhaps it got hit by a train. It was very close to the tracks.
Hahaha! That last picture has me cracking up!!! That breakfast sure does look good though. Now I’m hungry, perhaps it’s time for second breakfast! Lol!!
That’s what hobbits do! Seconds, thirds and fourths!
That looks amazing! 👍🖤
I thought you might like it!
Thank you! It was amazing!
You’re welcome!
I’m sure!
I went out today. Craftsman Flathead Screwdriver! Score!
The little blessings are cumulative!
Made me laugh- glad you weren’t hungry when you were acting the predator…
You should have seen me soaring with my arms!
I’m sure it was an awe-inspiring sight!
Ha ha!
Cool! We see Red tailed hawks flying over our house every day. Funny photo with the eyes!😂 God bless!
They are neat until they eat young chickens, Lol! Face 28 is the app I used on Android for the eyeball shot!
Great photos – especially the last one! Cool discovery. I once found a snake head skull while on a camping trip with my family and picked it up with a stick and proudly showed it off – at the time, I didn’t get why my family was so “Put that thing down! You shouldn’t touch it!” (even though I never touched it – just had it on a stick).
Ha ha! Funny story! I am glad you enjoyed the post!
That game you wanted to know the name of? It’s March of Empires War of Lords.
I checked it out on the App store. Looks fun! I appreciate you asking for me!
That’s alright.
That last photo is…🤣🤣🤣
Ha ha!