Brothers Campfire My Discovery

Hello Friends!

I started out my day with an excellent breakfast made by my beloved.

Yummy Spiciness!

Having a few precious hours to get out, I went on a short hike amd found this red tailed halk skull.

That is a large beak!

I have an imagination that is sometimes out of control and pretented I was a hawk looking for field mice, rabbits and snakes.

Fortunately, No one saw me acting that way. I think.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

35 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire My Discovery

  1. herbthiel says:

    Interesting. Were there any other remains? I wonder how it died?

    1. Benjamin says:

      The rest of his skeleton was nearby. Perhaps it got hit by a train. It was very close to the tracks.

  2. Kristian Weigman says:

    Hahaha! That last picture has me cracking up!!! That breakfast sure does look good though. Now I’m hungry, perhaps it’s time for second breakfast! Lol!!

  3. Ryan Callahan says:

    Cool! We see Red tailed hawks flying over our house every day. Funny photo with the eyes!😂 God bless!

    1. Benjamin says:

      They are neat until they eat young chickens, Lol! Face 28 is the app I used on Android for the eyeball shot!

  4. rue202 says:

    Great photos – especially the last one! Cool discovery. I once found a snake head skull while on a camping trip with my family and picked it up with a stick and proudly showed it off – at the time, I didn’t get why my family was so “Put that thing down! You shouldn’t touch it!” (even though I never touched it – just had it on a stick).

      1. rue202 says:

        That game you wanted to know the name of? It’s March of Empires War of Lords.

        1. Benjamin says:

          I checked it out on the App store. Looks fun! I appreciate you asking for me!

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