Brothers Campfire Birthday Party!

Hello Friends!

I was overwhelmed by the Birthday response! All the kind words were very touching! My beloved prepared me a goose egg and toast!

Other special things were in store for me as well. Sometimes, I think we see our lives differently than God does like this hand stitchwork.

What Is This Mess Called Life?

The side God looks at is different!

What a Neat Gift! My Favorite!

Soon afterwards, I was given a golden box. What could be in it?

The paper was distracting! Inside was a rock tumbler!

Oh, the rocks I will tumble with this delightful tool!

Lunch brought us Papa John’s Pizza! Pizza contains all the food groups, Yummy!

I am not a fan of cake so we had a mixed berry pie for my birthday. However, we did not have any candles so we improvised!

Thanks! I like Big Fires! 🤠🔥

A slice of pie and a dallop of Rocky Road Ice cream finished the festivities! Thank you family for the party and the gifts, and thank you friends for all of your wonderful comments!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

112 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Birthday Party!

      1. athousandbitsofpaper says:

        We’re fine here – no Virus anywhere in the vicinity cross fingers it stays that way. Things have levelled put into a new normal. Sort of.

        1. Benjamin says:

          That is good to hear! I think we are doing pretty good in Colorado as well!

  1. Lydia Potter says:

    Oh neat!
    Both gifts are awesome, but that first one looks really special!
    Papa’s Johns – YES!

    1. Benjamin says:

      The first one took someone a very long time to make! And yes! Pizza is Great!

        1. Benjamin says:

          I got chocolate Ice cream! I am glad you attended with us!!!!!

          1. Lydia Potter says:

            Glad to!
            I got all the service times from a person there that I contacted about it.

          2. Benjamin says:

            If you are interested, my wife would like to meet you and do a Bible study time.

          3. Benjamin says:

            I dunno. If you want, you can meet us. I would email you the zoom number.

    1. Benjamin says:

      I did! I spent the day with my family! Nice to hear from you today, friend!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Me too! I did not have a proper get together. Perhaps next year! Thanks for stopping by today!

  2. Ashley F Lintner says:

    Happy Birthday Ben

  3. A.S. says:

    Wow!! That’s delicious 😋😋. I see, those big waistband pants came in handy after all! 😉😂
    Stay blessed Ben🙏🔥❤️

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ha ha! Thank you A.S.! They sure did. It is late here, have a beautiful morning!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you, Kritika, I really enjoyed myself. I appreciate you!

  4. nopassingfancy says:

    Oh my goodness! Salivating all the way here in South Africa! 😉 It sure does look like it was the perfect birthday! Be blessed, my friend 🙂

  5. Petra says:

    Ice cream is a must with any pie or cake! Looks like you had a good celebration 😊

  6. Elvin says:

    A Belated Happy Birthday!

  7. rue202 says:

    Did I wish you a happy birthday? I’ve forgotten. If not, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
    *reaches through screen to grab the delicious food*

    1. Benjamin says:

      I do not remember! I am sute you did. I am bad with names and birthdays sometimes!
      Thank you again, Friend!

    1. Benjamin says:

      It is quite alright! I think of blog posts as history you can relive at any time like a time machine! Thank you for the Birthday Wishes!

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