Brothers Campfire Memorial Day at Brothers Campfire

Hello Friends! 

Memorial Day to me is honoring and remembering those that lost their lives in service of the United States of America.

After reading Herb Thiel’s Post on Memorial Day, I found it well written and informative.

I did not realize that the US government covered up the deaths of so many people to include a relative of mine as referenced in his post.

The government system is ran by men, and a perfect system can only come from God. While it has it’s flaws, I live in the best country in the world.

It my honor and privilege to elevate service members that shed their blood for our freedoms on Memorial Day.

Too often we see the colors at half mast from our fallen. On Memorial Day, I simulated putting my flag at half mast and raised high the colors, red, white, and blue for those passing by to see. While I do not have indepth knowledge of presenting the flag, I found it fitting to do so. Upon reading Herb Thiel’s post, Inwas not too far off the mark.

She is a grand flag, meant to be flown high.

Brother’s Campfire welcomed all to the Campfire on Memorial Day, and I needed an epic breakfast to pull me through for the preparation ahead.

As American As Green Chili …Wanna Debate?

I mowed the lawn, cleaned the yard, fed the birds and went to the store more times than I could count in preparation for the big day. I also found it necessary to keep the hawks away from my ducklings. Here is a link to see them!

YT Ducks

Due to social distancing concerns, I did not invite as many folks as normal to the Memorial Day picnic.

A few empty seats at first!

The Campfire was ignited and several families attended.

Herb Thiel from Prudentia Sit was in attendance and we asked him to give a blessing for the food. He agreed, and we proceeded to eat!

The Great Army Veteran, Herb Thiel

Hamburgers, hotdogs, German potato and pasta salad, Doritos, and soda were on the menu! I was way too in the moment eating to capture it all. You should have been there and you are invited next time.

Having a celebrity with me, I could not help filming the event. Here is a short clip of the event.

I hope your Memorial Day was fantastic! Let know how your day went in the comments below!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

32 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Memorial Day at Brothers Campfire

  1. leendadll says:

    Can you put some kind of netting over the feather-kids to keep them safe from hawks??

    My blind cat looks an awful lot like a bunny and I often worried about her getting hauled away by an aggresive hawk. Buy now the kitty is fat and the hawk is gone.

    Looks like a nice memorial day! I had a pleasant evening taking my cats out front, then letting the 8yr old neighborgirl show me “funny” (aka incomprehensible) youtube & tiktok vids from a safe distance. Since I awoke at 4am, it was the first night in ages that I fell asleep easily and without meds.

    1. Benjamin says:

      I could purchase netting, but I supervise them pretty carefully. Hawks don’t want to be injured and they calculate risk. I have known them to eat smaller cats before.

      I am glad you were able to sleep without meds! That sounds like a step in the right direction!

      1. pooja rani says:

        🤩😃😀😍🐤🐤🙂 first try at feeding baby i like this vdo

  2. herbthiel says:

    Thanks for the promotion to celebrity status! Great army vet? I have an honorable discharge and a good conduct ribbon but I don’t know if that’s really “great.” Just a guy who did his job.

  3. Beverly says:

    Thanks for sharing!! Amazing memories, fellowship, example of displaying respect for those who served our country, reflections and example of instilling good family values.

    Great footage of those adorable ducklings and goose…thanks! 👍

      1. Beverly says:

        You’re welcome, nephew! You all have encouraged me to not give up on my retirement place filled with “select” animals. Lol

  4. dumbestblogger says:

    Yum. Looks like a pretty successful day. I got to hang out with a couple people around a fire. Pretty dang sweet. ‘Merica!

    1. Benjamin says:

      We had a blast. When you are old enough, you are invited to come! We drink dangerous beverages like coffee, mountain dew and coke a cola

      1. rue202 says:

        I’ve already drunk coffee, mountain dew and coke a cola, lol!

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