Marty Faces Adversity Brothers Campfire

We at Brother’s Campfire are proud of Marty. Here is his debut recording. Marty, YouTube

Brother’s Campfire, Yo

Marty, the Motivated Mower is not a storyline character. He is the real deal and has been hard at work recording. 

Marty, The Real Deal

Soon, a new music video will be out. 

Marty Faces Adversity

I wrote a poem 

I will present

about lawn mowed

You won’t regret

I’m Marty, The Motivated Mower

2 Horsepower Brigg and Stratton

Motivated, ready for action.

I’m Marty, the Motivated Mower.

Weeds are high, trouble ahead

Here I am, ( pause)   out of shed

I can’t wait to get out of bed

You already know, What was said

I’m Marty the Motivated Mower

I might stall in the weeds,

But pour on in some gasoline,

No word for giant in Marty’s World

  If I stall, just pull the cord

Facing trouble ain’t no thing

Singing sword It does ring

Little known King Arthur Knight

Single blade, put up a fight

Cause I’m Marty, The motivated mower

Don’t you quit when the chips are down

     Tell that problem you a clown

Face your trouble , you are facing

Put spark in plug, get metal casing

Push the limits to your machine

Win the battle. Just like me

Like Marty, the Motivated Mower.

2 Horsepower Brigg and Stratton, 

listen to the noise and action

Watch my blade put up a fight

Singing sword Arthur’s Knight

Marty ..Marty The Motivated Mower

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

19 thoughts on “Marty Faces Adversity Brothers Campfire

  1. C. D. Anders says:

    Little known fact: many early editions of “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” actually replace Sir Gawain with Marty the Motivated Mower 😉

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you, C.D Anders for recognizing the forgotten truths. I appreciate your scholarly insight.

      1. C. D. Anders says:

        I don’t know about scholarly but I do know that you never hear about the tall grass at Camelot.

        1. Benjamin says:

          You have a point. Perhaps an ancestor helped. Simon the Successful Scythe perhaps?

        2. leendadll says:

          Are you a Pastafarian? A core belief is the correlation between global warming and reduction in pirates.

          1. leendadll says:

            Please pardon me for spreading the gospel of His Noodly Appendage while not dressed in pirate regalia.

          2. leendadll says:

            Doubtful, since I think you’ve expressed Christianity or Catholicism. But it’s a fun psuedo religion.

  2. leendadll says:

    You’re aware you’ve lost your mind… right???
    (that’s a compliment… i enjoy insanity)

  3. Homemaking in the Dunes says:

    Haha, my sweet, soft-spoken husband is having a male tantrum over his mower right now. Despite having taken the machine apart 15 times in the last 6 months. The cub cadet was never properly named. I am sitting on the front porch drinking my iced tea.

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