Brothers Campfire Luck O’ Lydia

Lydia Potter, social influencer and trendsetter recently made me aware of a sacred St. Patrick’s day tradition she just made up. You can learn about it at her Channel. The rest will make some sense if you do!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

33 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Luck O’ Lydia

  1. Lydia Potter says:

    Oh my word, Ben! This is awesome! I am so proud of you brother. 🙂 🙂 🙂

  2. Herb says:

    I see your bubble was bigger than Lydia’s. If you adopted her as your sister does that mean I have another daughter to contend with‽‽‽

    1. Lydia Potter says:

      It was only bigger, Herb, because he used 3 pieces, I used 5. I could’ve done way better with 3! 😉
      If you want to put up with me as your daughter, I’ll gladly accept!

      1. Herb says:

        lol. I have 3 natural daughters, Ben’s sisters, and several unnatural ones that have adopted me or I have adopted and all of whom are so unique and so vastly different from each other it’s amazing. Welcome to the family!

        1. Benjamin says:

          Oh… I think there is confusion here.
          I am Benjamin, the Storyteller, author of Brother’s Campfire.
          I am 36 years of age with a family. I have endearingly called you my snotty nosed little sister and extended all the rights and priveledges of this status.😝 (inqure as necessary)

          With warm regard,

          1. Benjamin says:

            The other guy is my father. Herb Thiel. He is 60 years old and has taught SundaySchool for 30. He has adopted all kinds of people into his extensive extended family. You could most assuredly be adopted by stranger strangers.

  3. Ishaan Sharma says:

    Is today St. Patrick’s day? If yes, then happy St. Patrick’s day. What is St. Patrick’s day all about?

    1. Benjamin says:

      It is not a holiday I legitimately celebrate. You are welcome to google it. Typically, it is an excuse to get drunk in my opinion.

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