Brothers Campfire La Longhaied -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 106

Watchman Wayne had been too slow recruiting help for his taste. James was flush with coin and did so himself. There were many eager to work and to fight.

Under cover of darkness, James the Bastard rowed to the sea with the help of local wharf rats.

The plan was straightforward. They would overwhelm the men on deck and capture Admiral Gryll.

Admiral Gryll

To stifle the sound of oars, the row boats went around and past their target and were allowed to drift back towards the Grasshopper.

With a well thrown grappling hook near the fore channel, James stealthily boarded the ship.

He stayed in the shadows listening intently for movement on deck. 

He crept to the foremast and heard the sound of oars.

The wharf rats were abandoning him! 

James’ heart beat rapidly and his breaths came in fast succession. He could pull this off by himself. 

The dull thud of the belaying pin on the back of James’ head brought awareness that he was not alone. He reached for his sword. At least he thought he did. Dazed, he felt hands dragging him across the deck.

“Take him below!” Boomed Admiral Gryll.

“When he comes to, put him to work.”

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

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