Brothers Campfire Keeping My Vegetables From Going Bad

Hello Friends!

Here is my Body by Bologna workout for the day. I am getting acclimated to working out again and I believe consistency is key to having lasting results. I would typically alternate, but I am getting my feet wet. Cardio is especially important to me right now.

30 squats, 30 lunges, 30 pushups

Here is my run.

My Altra Lone Peak shoes have proven to be a great investment. I would hope so, I paid more for that pair of shoes than many of my workboots.

I am in competition with an Emergency Response Team Commander named Laz. He is in better shape than me and gives me a goal to shoot for. I have a lot of shooting to do. On that note,

Willow Manor Response Team Member

Yesterday, I spoke about my garden and alluded to the dangers of harvesting tomatoes. Some of you must have thought I was joking. We made tomato sauce as quickly as possible due to a safety concern. Can’t be too careful.


Speaking of gardening, other vegetables can turn if left unattended.

Fortunately, Watchman Wayne keeps these ne’er do wells in check.

Watchman Wayne, the Guard of the Garden

This time of year is when the plants think they are all grown up and can do whatever they please. They need structure and discipline to maintain order and grow straight and tall. If not for Wayne, they would run amuck.

I wonder if other areas of life are like this. I hear of cities in the US being looted recently.

I wonder if we need a few Watchman Waynes to be the order that we need.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

18 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Keeping My Vegetables From Going Bad

  1. achme24gmailcom says:

    A watchman is good

  2. Sarah Angleton says:

    I’m always a diligent gardener until about mid-August and then I just sort of give up. I think I need a Watchman Wayne to keep me in check and lay down the law.

  3. dumbestblogger says:

    I think a few murderous tomatoes would probably make people think twice about causing mischief.

    1. Benjamin says:

      There may be some lurking in the nightshade, dealing vengeance and thier own brand of justice.

  4. Omatra7 says:

    That purple one you posted looks like it has an eye 👁 😮

    I know Sacramento has had some issues (not sure about looting?) but they have protests – it is good reason … I do understand

    I’m sorry but where is all the change? We don’t need a watchman or things like that… there just needs to be change and understanding – that is not happening quick enough!!

    The protests go on and nothing changes – just new things to protest because nothing changes 🤨

    But ya know, what can ya do… everyone is mad

    The looting is just an excuse to steal – but they also steal and ruin the focus away from the change that is needed

    Not the way to get change or respect – pretty sad

    1. Benjamin says:

      I believe in public protest. It is our right as citizens. I was pretty vague with Wayne. We need fathers helping thier sons grow straight and tall so we do not have policemen enforcing rules when they grow up. I think there is a shortage of men who create structure in a family unit.

      1. Omatra7 says:

        There is a shortage of morals, principals, and integrity in general population. Many of those things need to be taught or learned in the first place. And it’s both men and women.

        I also believe in freedom of speech and protests …

        It’s the looting I have issue with.

        We have some serious issues and not much change happening… it just gets worse currently.

        1. Benjamin says:

          I agree on all points. You must have a good head on your shoulders!😏🤠🔥

          1. Omatra7 says:

            Hahaha yes sir – I do 😘✌️😄 … warped sense of humor every so often lol

            But yeah I do – thank you for saying that ❤️✌️

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