Brothers Campfire Just Ducky-An Ongoing Tale Chapter 70

It is a tradition in La Longi that if you want to get someone’s attention, you put cooked oatmeal in their shoes.

It’s memorable.

Such was the case when Watchman Wayne went out to fetch a pail of water for washing and cooking. 

As he pulled his shirt on,he grumbled to himself. His shift had been unproductive. There was no information for his sergeant about the docks and his partner would soon be losing his job. Wayne’s work boots were always filthy from patrol, so he took them off before entering the house. It was routine for him.

He was surprised.

Chock full to the top inside his boots was cold, wet oatmeal. It smelled of lavender. Wet, slimy, sticky lavender oatmeal.

He smiled grimly and dumped the contents of his boots into a container. Those were his only pair and he would not be able to get them dry before his shift began.

At least his ducks would be satisfied this morning. Wayne knew there was a long grueling shift ahead for him.

He chuckled. Well,  that wasn’t something that happened every day. He got his water and prepared breakfast. He watched his noisy friends happily eat their prized quacker oatmeal.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

3 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Just Ducky-An Ongoing Tale Chapter 70

  1. lindacrampton7495 says:

    I think the sensation of oatmeal in one’s shoes would be very strange! It’s interesting to imagine.

  2. herbthiel says:

    I wouldn’t fill them all the way up, though. I would put some in the toes. When my dad was in the Army in the 40s they filled the Lieutenant’s shoes with shaving cream.

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