Brothers Campfire Introduces New Authors!

Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

I am sitting here at the Goodwill waiting for my son. He had the idea to go thrifting and I think it is a great idea.

My Beloved is at home playing games with Ashley T.

Which reminds me…

I have three that have joined as authors here at the Campfire. You may see posts from them in the near future.

Kristian from Life Lessons From Around The Dinner Table introduced me to the WordPress application. I was merely using it as a tool to make posts on my phone when she followed me. It was the coolest thing. We have touched bases of and on and I think you will like her style!

Steve from Steve’s Country is amazing if you want a smile as wide as a country sunrise. He is from Northern Canada and knows a thing or two about nature.

Ashley Tamburelli from So Many Things To Be Thankful For is a newer blogger, but she is not new to life. She is my little sister and I look forward to her sharing her testimony and life experiences.

Be sure to check thier sites out! I am confident that they will bring some good clean enlightenment to the Campfire.

If you are interested in being a contributor, let me know in the comments or reach out in the contact page.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

45 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Introduces New Authors!

  1. cheriewhite says:

    I’ve followed most of these awesome writers but I’ll definitely check out the blogs of those I haven’t seen yet. Thank you so much for the heads up! And you and your son speak my lingo- I love to thrift at Goodwill! Have a wonderful week! 😊

    1. Benjamin says:

      You have a great week as well! Have you thought about writing one for the Campfire?

      1. cheriewhite says:

        I’m afraid I haven’t but I’d sure love to! In fact, I’d be honored. 🤗

          1. cheriewhite says:

            All taken care of. 😊 I just contacted you and provided my email address. I look forward to writing for you.

          2. cheriewhite says:

            Thank you so much, Ben. Is there any particular subject you’d like for me to write about for your blog?

          3. Benjamin says:

            It would be cool if you introduced yourself and the motivation for your site. Self-promotion is great! It would also be cool if you did whatever came to mind!

          4. cheriewhite says:

            Thank you so much, I’ll get to work on my introduction and then start a post for your blog. 🤗

          5. Benjamin says:

            Way cool! Add fuel to the fire, friend! 🤠🔥🔥🔥🔥

          6. cheriewhite says:

            Will do. Just allow me some time to get the posts together. I usually handwrite, then type in a Word document, then edit and polish, lastly submit. 😊

          7. Benjamin says:

            However you are comfortable Cherie. There is no rush or deadline. We would love to hear from you!

          8. cheriewhite says:

            Aww! You don’t know what this does for my heart. ❤ Thank you so much, Ben.

  2. Thattamma C.G Menon says:

    This is nice introduction and Best Wishes 🌷🙏👏 so amazing photo with typing ,
    I’m so much laughing still😀👌 How fast it 😮 Happy Wednesday 🙏🌷

  3. mattsnyder1970 says:

    I’d be interested if you’ll have me, I mean I am already partially connected from reading your Northwich story on my podcast.

  4. Herb says:

    Very cool. I have followed all three of the blogs you mentioned and there is a LOT of heart and soul in them.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Absolutely! I look forward to some life lessons complete with pictures.

  5. Cassa Bassa says:

    I am interested in being an contributor to your site, what is the requirement?

    1. Benjamin says:

      I think I sent you an invitation. Please contact me with the email you use to log in to WordPress or your Gravatar.

      I look forward to your email!

          1. Cassa Bassa says:

            I emailed you the incorrect email address, and I emailed again for the correct ones. =(

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