Brothers Campfire Insubordinate Centuplicates -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 188

Hello Friends! I have made coffee and hot chocolate! Gather round the Campfire while I spin a tale about the Land of La Longi!

言论自由是一项人权 🤠🔥

General Gallio Cordius Ferentinus was furious with his Centuplicate, Pontus Uritinus when he discovered that an insult had come to James Rainport.

Intelligence had been gathered beforehand of his somewhat vengeful, impulsive nature and he had briefed his men accordingly. His specific instructions to the Centuplicates had been, 

“We will agree with our adversary with haste when we confront him, then we will return with superior numbers and supply routes.”

Pontus Uritinus had disrupted the campaign.  

James Rainport, apparently in an embarrassed rage descended on a centuple or 100 men, his left flank approach and speed of attack causing their formation to waiver. 

He rode from the battlefield, shouting his name to Pontus Uritinus. 

Without warning, two dozen men, led by Chandra of Vijayapura charged in boar formation savagely killing 84 of Pontus Uritinus’ men before they were eliminated by the Carsiolians. 

Chandra had been known for his might in battle and the men of Vijayapura were known for their fierce warriors.

He and his men were looking for a glorious death and they found one at his expense. When his surviving men were triaged and cared for, the remaining army discovered that many of Chandra’s men were well over six feet tall, veritable giants to the shorter Carsiolians. To further crush the soldiers morale, James Rainport rode back to the mayhem and proclaimed that all citizens of La Longi would fight in such a manner if they returned. 

General Gallio Cordius Ferentinus knew that Chandra was looking for lost honor and that James capitalized on a moment. His soldiers would not understand the complexity of the moment and only saw a fearful representation of unity, resolve, and fierceness. 

The general trusted his intelligence that the central government was weak and divided amongst themselves. And he would continue his campaign for La Longi.

While assessing his options, his scouts returned with word from the surrounding countryside. From a distance, James Rainport’s men with the exception of Chandra watched the battle from a distance. From their perspective, James charged the Carsiolians with expendable mercenaries delivering a crushing blow and rout. 

The intel was in essence, correct. 

General Gallio would not immediately return to his camp for the moment so rumors would not spread of the event.. For the time being, he would stop at Khofi Springs and resupply. 

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

142 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Insubordinate Centuplicates -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 188

  1. herbthiel says:

    Hmmm…Will Pontus Uritinus be punished for his actions? Can the general tolerate such clear insubordination or would that be impolitic on his part?

    1. Benjamin says:

      The ways of the Carsiolians are as foreign to me as they are to you. We will have to see!

  2. Ishaan Sharma says:

    Well, looks like Chandra regained honour.
    The carisolians were taught a lesson.
    I hope they are deferred from returning.

    Oh and what does 言论自由是一项人权  Mean?

      1. Ishaan Sharma says:

        Thanks for informing!
        What language is it?
        And what was the purpose of putting it here?

          1. Benjamin says:

            You may see more, bit I will put them at the bottom so they are less distracting.

          2. Ishaan Sharma says:

            You seem mysterious. Are you a member of a secret society 😁😅🤣

            Based on the translation, sounds like a rebellion.

          3. Ishaan Sharma says:

            So I believe you have a chinese reader who is upset with PRC regime, and you are supporting them by spreading this message?

            Am I right? Or do you want to keep it secret?

          4. Ishaan Sharma says:


            If conspiracy theorists see this, they will link it to aliens, pyramids, underground labs, ancient cults and satan worship, among other things. They have wild imaginations. 🙂😆😃

          5. Ishaan Sharma says:

            I didn’t say it because of chinese.

            I said it because conspiracy theorists think anything they don’t know about is a huge secret they must unearth.
            And it always involves the CIA hiding facts 😆

          6. Benjamin says:

            谷歌翻译是我的朋友, ਗੂਗਲ ਅਨੁਵਾਦ ਮੇਰੇ ਦੋਸਤ ਹੈ,गूगल अनुवाद मेरा दोस्त है

          7. Ishaan Sharma says:

            I got most of that!
            Is the first one chinese or japanese or korean? I can never tell them apart.

            Interesting choice of punjabi.

            आप तो अनुवाद में माहिर है!

          8. Benjamin says:

            The Brother’s Campfire Society prevents me from answering. It is rumored that Benjamin knows American English and a lot of Spanish.

          9. Ishaan Sharma says:

            The only spanish I know is espanol, hola, si, el nino, and la nina.

            I am sure atleast half of that is wrong too. 😃

          10. Ishaan Sharma says:

            Oh and I met a cow, and asked if it could tell me some gossip. It was smarter than I thought. It encrypted the info to be safe.

            In case you crack it, let me know

            Mooo Mo Moo mah maaah meh mew bah bahaa moooooh mama!

            Does that mean something?

          11. Benjamin says:

            It means, “Ishaan, feed me when you get the chance and keep reading Brother’s Campfire.”

            That one was easy.

          12. Ishaan Sharma says:

            Oh 😮😲
            So not what I was looking for.
            Trust me, the cow gets more food than it could need.

            Many indians have a habit of feeding cows on the streets daily.
            But it makes sense. Since no one goes out now, they must be hungry … 😕
            They are so used to getting cooked and sweetened food, maybe grass doesn’t taste well anymore.

          13. Ishaan Sharma says:

            🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏🤯😆😆😃😃😃😃😃😃😁😁😅funniest video ever!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ha ha! I am not sure, but It has something to do with free speech I am told.

          1. rue202 says:

            Hope you get it! I’m hoping it’ll warm up over here.

          1. Benjamin says:

            Just so you know, I have a pre writte. post scheduled somewhere around church time. I am not skipping out. I a on me way there now!

          2. Lydia Potter says:

            Gotcha. Thanks for informing me of that. You know I would’ve been on your case otherwise. JK!

          3. Benjamin says:

            Would you be willing to sing at a coffee shop in the ongoing story? Something silly.

          4. Benjamin says:

            I am thinking about doing a music award. Somthing like “I performed at the Puking Peasant” or something like that. I am asking if you would like to make a recording of a song for me to put in my story.

          5. Lydia Potter says:

            I think you’re asking the wrong person. Check to see who you’re talking to.

          6. Benjamin says:

            So you do not want to participate. That is fine. I am talking to Lydia, no?

          7. Benjamin says:

            I may just make a Galvin the Bard Award. I want to add it to my ongoing tale!

          8. Benjamin says:

            If you choose to, I will write an appropriate story around it.

          9. Benjamin says:

            I am confused? Is ” putting ghost” something youngsters say?👴👵?

          10. Benjamin says:

            Ooooo👻 wooo! I will stopppp… Puttinngg ghosts up ! 😳

          11. Lydia Potter says:

            Good. I don’t like them very much.
            I haven’t even read your latest post!

          12. Benjamin says:

            I am not 🤢 sick, I was just asking a question. Any word on going back to work?

          13. Lydia Potter says:

            March 12 2020 was my last day ever on the job.
            I work with the public school system, and they shut down through the end of the year. My whole summer job is cancelled too.

          14. Benjamin says:

            Now, you’ll have to blog every day and get more followers!👳💂👩👱👮🙋

          15. Lydia Potter says:

            Naw. I’ll most likely fail. But my college asked me to stop blogging during college because it would distract me from studies.

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