Currently, I have eight ducks and one goose. The ducks pretty much follow the goose around and there is safety in numbers so all is well.
One of my ducks has an independent streak and while I consider her foolish, I respect her chutzpah.
I cannot pick her out of the eight, but every night when all the ducks obediently go to bed, she will inevitably break right at the last second, causing the others to withdraw out of the ducky house.
I then have to regroup them and try again.
She is a leader and has a defiant personality and today, I documented her behavior.
I had just let them out for the morning and was drinking a cup of coffee near the Campfire when I heard the neighbor’s dog barking and jumping at the fence.

There she was, staring down a husky and a brown dog we simply call “Brown Dog.”
She settled there for a bit, and laid an egg, right on the fence line.

Why would she do that? I collected thirteen eggs this morning all in the same nest and the fourteenth was in the face of death. (I did not collect yesterday)
Birds of a feather flock together and the curious ducks came over to play a game of chicken as well. Brown Dog has a penchant for digging holes and it is always a gamble over there.

There is something about that duck I respect. You can see the crazy gleam in her eye. What should I name her?

I like the way she comes to challenge Brown Dog, having realised that the barrier was protecting her. As long as it holds, maybe he’ll fall under her power.
Ha ha! Perhaps you are right!
Ha ha, Indeed!
I like Minerva, the Roman goddess of war and courage…and other things as well.
That has a nice ring to it, KT Workman. I can see it now, “All Rise! Minerva, Leader of the Willow Manor Ducks approaches!”
When you described her personality, the name immediately jumped to my mind for your steely-eyed lady. 😊
Ha ha! When I get a chance to band her, It may be a dead ringer!
That’s what I was thinking…a name of a warrior goddess. I like it. Or after a pirate like Anne Bonny, Mary Read, or Grace O’Malley. LOL
I like your ideas too. 😊
It is cool to bounce things off each other!
Pirate names are good. I like a good pirate tale.
How about Ruth?
That is a solid-sounding name. I may get this one a band so I know who she is. There may be several that take turns being ornery.
Great, sounds like a good plan.
I am glad that you documented her behaviour and the fence egg laying event. She is like a Rebel but in a good way.
Ha ha! I agree! Sorry for the late reply, I was out camping.
She may be a Gobel (a good rebel)
Oh, got it! I am trying to learn Australian 🇦🇺 😺😸
Or a Goobel 😅
A girl version of a goober?
Can’t find ‘goobel’ in my Strine dictionary Cass…..maybe I need a more updated version?
Haven’t seen it…will keep a look out for it…..
Yeah, I like that hashtag idea.
Aussie did invent the word ‘selfie’, so this # is not far fetched
I was not aware, way cool! It is amazing how much I have learned at the Campfire. It is fortunate for me that I saved you a seat!
Like wise brither Benjamin!
Ha ha! I like “goobel”!
Yes it has go a nice ring to it…..
And it is original sounding
Yep…goooooooobl……plink plink
Brown Duck.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
I like it. Sorry for the late response Sarah, I was out in the mountains camping.
So I read. Hope you had a great time!
I did Sarah. It was good to be outside on nature for a few days.
Haha, thank you for your posts. They make my day.
Thank you, Hao Hao, I appreciate that you said that. It makes me happy.
My apologies for the late reply, I was out in the mountains camping and did not have service.
That’s what she probably gives you.
Great post as always. 🙂
Goosebumps is a decent name.
How is Terveen faring?
All’s well. 🙂
Yay! Me as well!
I like her!
Me as well. I respect her qualities.
I like the attitude of your brave duck. I would name her Della Duck, after the 2017 Disney animated TV series, Duck Tales.
That is a great suggestion. Thanks, friend!
Feisty duck.must be so entertaining to watch😊
It can be! It is also scary because I do not wish for her to get hurt.
Oh, I can understand that.
How about “Crazy Duck?”
That might work! 🦆 🔪
Minerva; Xantippe; Nina Hagen; Elisabeth; Margaret 🏆
I am liking the suggestions! Thank you!
Names for very fierce ladies 🏆
Indeed, fierce and motherly she is!