Brothers Campfire, Incarnation, Cobwebs

Hello! Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

It has been nonstop action from five in the morning until eleven at night, over and over again, preventing written expression.

Writing is enjoyable and it clears the cranium of cobwebs. It is great to be back at the Campfire doing so. I bet it has been about a week since I have posted.

Today I will ramble.

The new job has been amazing and draining at the same time and is much different from what I have been accustomed to. Over the course of a decade, I have taught hundreds of men how to work, clean, cook, bake, garden and a few other nifty nuggets of knowledge. The road to educate grown incarcerated felons has been bumpy at best.

In a nutshell, normalizing stress with persistent deadlines has been the predominant skillset.

The change was necessary; I was going crazy spinning my wheels and doing the same thing for way too long. I had out grown my job description.

What I am doing now requires copious amounts of active listening and empathy and the change of processing has been what drains me. I am not used to it, but I will get there. It is amazing as I feel I have new opportunities to implement programs and make a difference in the lives of felons and their families.

The garden is growing strong and while I have had a few setbacks, things are good. Memorial Day, I will be hosting an event at the Campfire and giving away produce. When I get the chance, I will post photos of it all.

Summers are always busy with the kids out of school and all the outdoor activities associated with warm weather.

Well, that is all for now. Feel free to leave a comment as I would admire to hear from you!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

54 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire, Incarnation, Cobwebs

  1. Cassa Bassa says:

    Interaction with many people in a day is very demanding and full on for our brain. Our brain is also very expandable. So you will mostly certainly adapt and thrive again. Sending encouragement!

    1. Benjamin says:

      I am looking forward to the expansion! I appreciate your kindness in expression!

  2. Terveen Gill says:

    Rehabilitation of any kind demands a lot of care and attention. Lending an empathetic ear can be very draining, kind of heavy on the soul. But it’s also rejuvenating. Time and practice will help you adjust to your new routine.
    Wishing you and the people you are working with a lot of luck, peace, and joy.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you! I believe I contributed a lot teaching job skills, but there was not a lot of time for listening.

  3. kagould17 says:

    Glad you are challenged and rewarded by your new job. Challenging jobs and tasks can be very rewarding, but also very draining. Hope you get the chance to take some time for yourself soon Benjamin. All the best. Allan

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Allen! I am having a BBQ tomorrow and you are welcome to attend!

  4. windsofchange18 says:

    If anyone can make a difference it is you. What a rewarding job for you and them. I look forward to your campfire. . Enjoy!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you for such confidence in me. I hope to live up to your kind words!

  5. henhouselady says:

    I’m glad you found a more rewarding job. Change can be very rewarding. Congrats.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you. It is rewarding and I have an excellent supervisor to boot.

  6. sunisanthosh says:

    Glad to hear you are doing an amazingly rewarding job. And keep up some time for yourself. All the best 👍

      1. sunisanthosh says:

        Little time spend to hear prayers online.
        Now I am reading some blog post and relaxing.
        Have a blessed week. Stay safe friend. 💌

  7. Christina says:

    While you are making changes in your everyday life to grow and expand you should know you are positively impacting everyone in your path. Thank you!

  8. YouLittleCharmer says:

    You will get used to it my friend.
    Active listening, formulating your response and offloading that once you’re home are all skills in themselves.

    Great to see you posting again though. Sure we all look forward to more creative campfire tales when time allows 😊👍🖤

  9. Shobana Gomes says:

    Your jobs sounds great, and I can see that you enjoy it very much. Keep up the spirit, and enjoy the campfire. Summertime is a great time.

  10. Petra says:

    Glad to hear you’re enjoying the challenge! As always, real life is way more important than any online ventures

    1. Benjamin says:

      Indeed. I look forward to hearing your podcast. I have not listened yet.

  11. eob2 says:

    A sense of accomplishment is a wonderful feeling, though getting there can be exhausting. Enjoy rejuvenating at the campfire. 😊🙏🏼

  12. -Eugenia says:

    It’s good you found a job you enjoy! Life’s to short to be in a dead end job. Good luck!

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