This is Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here.
My Beloved has started physical therapy and ate breakfast without my assistance today. She is a soldier. No for real.. She served for a bit and is as hard as nails, fit to walk the trail with.

It is time to start cutting off the minute by minute care and allow freedom for growth.
That said, I went to breakfast in the cafeteria. Sodexo isn’t my favorite company, but they do excel in their niche; hospital food.

Now, if you mix Beef Butt Crumble with overcooked noodles with fake cheese sauce in, you can get a decent meal that is meat- loafish.

We were too busy to take the final result picture, but most everyone that sits here at the Campfire has an excellent imagination.
I will tell you this; the inmates at my prison eat magnitudes better than this.

I have been exceptionally nice to the hospital food service department and the food has improved a little.
Now, back to breakfast at the cafeteria.
I asked the Sodexo employee what he would have for breakfast.
The poor guy squirmed and sullenly pointed to a menu. He was not in the peak of enthusiasm.
I wasn’t having it.
“I don’t care about the menu, sir, I care about your experience. You work here and know what’s up. I will pay whatever price in cash if necessary to eat what you eat here.”

He gauged me for sincerity. The stare was irritated and kinda sketchy.
Slowly, he procured a clamshell and began mixing items in the serving line together.
Though born in the Midwest, I am Southwestern at heart and this dish touched me to the soul. It appeared to be a mix of sausage, hash browns, tater tots, cheeses and flavorful green chilli liberally slathered on top.
The meal provided was to die for. It was delicious. I really liked it.

I truly believe it is what he would have had for breakfast and told him thank you.
Although the picture above does not reflect it well, it weighed over a pound. I could hardly finish it.
When I paid for this, he charged me $3.14 USD, about the price of an energy drink at a gas station.
This was a steal and I wish I could have shared it with her. Crumble Butt Chuck Beef Butt Crumble with sauce is no beuno.
Awesome to hear your wife is doing better, praise God! I will continue to pray for healing and a full recovery. That’s funny about the food. Glad she can eat without assistance. God bless!
Thank you Ryan!
I’m so glad your wife is getting better, Ben. Prayer works wonders and the prayers will continue! And the food you ate even sounded delicious! God speed Isabell’s recovery! 🙏 ❤
Thank you Cherie White! I appreciate you.
You’re welcome. 🙂
Glad your beloved is improving. Great tactic on the hospital food selection. I bet he squirmed because he did not have great things to say about hios company’s selctions. When my beloved was in the hospital for the birth of our sons, I always asked here which version of gravy and bones she had for supper that night. I think bad hospital food is a tactice so you get well and get out. 😊😊
Getting Well and getting out is the Goal! Thank you Allan!
The good news is that your wife is feeling better! I hope she will be able to go out soon 🙂
I do too. Thank you, Friend!
Je vous en prie ! Bon courage à vous deux
such a relief to hear!! 💖👏👏👏
Indeed! Thanks!
I can only imagine. Prayers heard.. welcome!👏🙏
I’m glad to hear that your wife is eating, but even more so that she can now do so without assistance. Please keep us posted. Even if we don’t reply, we still care.
Thank you friend. I appreciate your encouragement!
I’m so happy your wife is doing better!
I think Sodexo ran the college dining hall food at my college. (I might be wrong – college was a long time ago). I actually remember it being not bad. Whenever my family visited, they never took me out to eat at an off-campus restaurant. They just ate at my college dining hall because they liked it.
That is cool! I noticed it depends on who is cooking the meal.
Thank you for your well wishes, friend.
I am so happy to read that your wife started PT and that she was able to eat breakfast without your assistance. This is wonderful news. I pray she continues to make positive progress each day – with healthy food to help with that.
Thank you! I had to chase after her today as she one-armed it down the hallway in a wheelchair.
She is strong!
She is a fighter. She is very tired now, lol.
May she rest well and wake up ready to fight some more!
Indeed. I am torn up about the visiting and will not be able to see her tomorrow.
You are strong too. One day at a time. 🙏🏻
Thank you, Michele. I am hurting inside.
Your worry and pain are a heavy burden. Hugs to you.
Keep soldiering on, the both of you.
Great news! I have a good friend who had a stroke about one year ago. She seems to have recovered fully. Best wishes for the same result. The docs, nurses and therapists work wonders.
Thank you for the encouragement!
This is really great news! Smuggle in a bottle of hot sauce of some sort, maybe that will help.
I just may. Perhaps some Mrs. Dash?
Well as a foodie, that substance you posted looks bleh…but at the very least glad the breakfast satisfied. You might be right on who cooks it, I believe SODEXO does the hospital food in my area, and it actually looks and is edible. Also great news on your wife being self sufficient. I feel your pain inside. I’ve been there a few times while my wife has been hospitalized for suicide attempts.
We eat with our eyes Matt Snyder, but the food they gave me for the price of a soda made my day and got me through.
Yeah, it probably is the people and the willingness to make an excellent meal.
You are a good man for taking care of your wife, Matt.
So nice to hear from you that your wife is feeling better 👍🏻🌷🙏 my friend here more than 3 months
Had to recover , his wife will bring him slowly and make sit inside the car and drove to Physiologist in
Hospital !! Your wife young so can fast recovery , hospital food clean and calories less !! So ok 👌
Your photos and written lines make me so laughing 👍🏻😊 By God’s Grace all will be ok hope 🙏♥️
Thank you friend! I am always so encouraged when you stop by with a basket of kindness.
Thank you so much for this lovely reply message 🌷🙏♥️
I’m also so sad to know your wife’s health , so what I had
Seen here and express to you dear 🙏Family so precious 👏😊
All of your words are so poetic, friend.
Thank you and most welcome 🌷🙏♥️🌷
Glad to hear that your wife is doing better! Hope you guys get good food!
We still need all the prayers we can get!
Your wife, you and your family are in my thoughts; wishing for the best possible outcome!
Thank you!
You’re most welcome!
So happy your wife is doing better Benjamin. Praying for you both and I also asked my readers to say a prayer for her in last Sunday’s post. God bless you.
Thank you, friend. I appreciate it. We are not out of the woods yet!
I hope my response went through on the post you made. I am grateful.
Glad to hear your wife is doing better .
Thank you.